

A scam is defined as "a dishonest scheme; a fraud" or swindle

The op is right to call it a scam, note he doesn't call it an exploit.

You people freaking out over him calling it a scam need a break.

Also scamming is totally part of the game, and I don't see the op trying to get whoever did this in trouble with staff. He is just letting us know to be careful of a vendor.

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it's not a scam.

also, there's no such thing as ''an exploit''.. there's bugs and you either exploit them or report them, simple as that.


A scam is defined as "a dishonest scheme; a fraud" or swindle

The op is right to call it a scam, note he doesn't call it an exploit.

You people freaking out over him calling it a scam need a break.

Also scamming is totally part of the game, and I don't see the op trying to get whoever did this in trouble with staff. He is just letting us know to be careful of a vendor.

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Wouldn't it only be a "scam" if the act of theft was perpetuated by the person(s) advertising the egg? Like they met up and was told "Yeah I have a Meta Egg on my vendor at xx location. I'll take you there." snoops and waits for egg to be bought...steals egg back.
If it was just some opportunist thief camping the egg in hopes someone would buy it, I don't think that qualifies as a scam, just a dedicated thief that just got a free egg.

A good example of a scam, would be the false sales of the ethy lama at WBB.


Oh hey you! I love your argument for why is not a scam. .. oh wait, you didn't give one.

It's a theft, not a scam.

What would have qualified this as a scam would be if the buyer and seller had an exchange prior to the purchase, where the seller uses some kind of manipulation to get the buyer's guard down.


You are confusing a scam with a con. They are not the same. also the op implied that the thief and the seller are at the least working together.

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Young Star

the owner of the vendor doesnt have a thief...

thief will camp for sure where there are big things to buy :)
So was that the exact same egg back on the vendor later or are you claiming that is a new egg? If it is the same egg then obviously the owner benefited from having someone else waiting to steal it back whenever someone buys it. If the vendor wants to save their reputation and not be viewed as just a thief bait vendor they may want to clear the air.

Even if it was a legal in-game theft and not some expoited game mechanic or something it can still be called a scam. If a seller is making a transaction with the intention of just robbing it back from the buyer I think it is reasonable for the buyer to call it being scammed.


You are confusing a scam with a con. They are not the same. also the op implied that the thief and the seller are at the least working together.

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The better definition of this is a theft, which makes it improper to call it a scam, as per the rules governing the english language.

If the player was to be charged with this crime, he would be charged with theft, not fraud. And rightly so.

Bring tax

All I'm trying to do is make people aware of how this vendor is run, be careful as I know this is part of the game and I still enjoy it very much, just not a good way to run a business, won't be spending my millions there again, I will adjust the title for the politically correct.


So was that the exact same egg back on the vendor later or are you claiming that is a new egg? If it is the same egg then obviously the owner benefited from having someone else waiting to steal it back whenever someone buys it. If the vendor wants to save their reputation and not be viewed as just a thief bait vendor they may want to clear the air.

Even if it was a legal in-game theft and not some expoited game mechanic or something it can still be called a scam. If a seller is making a transaction with the intention of just robbing it back from the buyer I think it is reasonable for the buyer to call it being scammed.

Agreed. If it is just a random thief with good timing and luck then them the breaks and congrats for the theft. If it is the owner of the vendor/shop or working with someone to steal items back as soon as they are bought and toss back on the vendor it is pretty shady and bad for business.


  1. 1.
    persuade (someone) to do or believe something, typically by use of a deception.
    "I conned him into giving me your home number"
  1. 1.
    an instance of deceiving or tricking someone.
    "when depositors, realizing that the whole thing is a con, demand repayment"
  1. 1.
    a dishonest scheme; a fraud.
    "an insurance scam"
    synonyms: fraud, swindle, fraudulent scheme, racket, trick; More
  1. 1.
    "a guy that scams the elderly out of their savings"
  1. the action or crime of stealing.
    "he was convicted of theft"


Yea unless someone convinced you to buy this egg is not a con. Scam was the better choice.

Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk


So was that the exact same egg back on the vendor later or are you claiming that is a new egg? If it is the same egg then obviously the owner benefited from having someone else waiting to steal it back whenever someone buys it.
That is where the distinction is made, if the seller and thief are in cahoots.
I just like arguing semantics.

OP - I'm sorry your egg got stolen, and I will more then likely avoid this vendor due to your experience. Don't let all the arguing over semantics dissuade you from letting the community know when things like this happen. We fight like family here.

*and your about to hit page 4, so good post. :)


Theres no pattern... what I dont get about werkt is why during an RDA you will see 15 of them but never 15(or any) of them out looking for PVP. I promise you there is more to UO than 20 people doing PVE for 10mins ;)

Not all like to PvP glutts.

I'm sorry for the OP though, but I hope he got the lesson learned.

Scamming has happened to many here including me. :D In the beginning 2 years ago I didn't know you can steal while having ethy (as when mounted u cant steal), so someone stole some skill scrolls. Its not nice especially for the new players, but its just one of the evil parts of this game. Scamming is hard work as well and sometimes pretty clever. Fortunately it does not happen that often.


This thread needs cocks.....


All I'm trying to do is make people aware of how this vendor is run, be careful as I know this is part of the game and I still enjoy it very much, just not a good way to run a business, won't be spending my millions there again, I will adjust the title for the politically correct.

I see you have adjusted this but I feel as though it might now be better off changed to say: WARNING - COCKS!