

Theres no pattern... what I dont get about werkt is why during an RDA you will see 15 of them but never 15(or any) of them out looking for PVP. I promise you there is more to UO than 20 people doing PVE for 10mins ;)


As a general rule, I try and stay away from vendors when buying big ticket items. Even a reputable vendor could have disreputable people looking to make a buck. In this case, it's particularly sleazy but not really a scam per say.
Once upon a time I stole a Silverback Gorilla statue this way. :)


Well I'm willing to purchase this egg for 1.5 mill as I was waiting for the vendor prices to drop. Hit me up master thief


So using the stealing skill is scamming?

Using recall, teleport, invis, etc etc and generally leaving wbb....whatever else that moron wrote....are all exploits?

What in the blue hell is wrong with you ppl?


I think the point that Bring Tax was trying to make was that this vendor is sketchy as fuck and to steer clear. When I spoke with him earlier, he was very clear that he knew this was part of game mechanics.


I agree, the only recourse you have is to get the word out that they are a disreputable shop owner. The bad press may even result in them being kicked from the vendor mall (assuming they are contracted).


I think the point that Bring Tax was trying to make was that this vendor is sketchy as fuck and to steer clear. When I spoke with him earlier, he was very clear that he knew this was part of game mechanics.
If that's the case, they should update the title and remove "Scam". I think that's the operative word that is driving all the angst.


If that's the case, they should update the title and remove "Scam". I think that's the operative word that is driving all the angst.

Pretty much. It gets super old seeing all these lame ass "Scam!" and "Exploits!" threads that are anything but that. Grow the fuck up people.


Pretty much. It gets super old seeing all these lame ass "Scam!" and "Exploits!" threads that are anything but that. Grow the fuck up people.
I hear ya. I get coming to the forum to air your grievances and/or shed those delicious delicious tears, I've done/do it too.
Seriously though, the server is about to hit 3 years old. Most of the truly "game breaking" issues have already been resolved and are being resolved as new ones arise. The change to Taming on Monday for example. If these were really exploits, unfair advantages, or whatever you want to call them, they would of been resolved years ago when they were introduced. Staff is going to start using Blizzard's GM go to: "Works as intended"


I hear ya. I get coming to the forum to air your grievances and/or shed those delicious delicious tears, I've done/do it too.
Seriously though, the server is about to hit 3 years old. Most of the truly "game breaking" issues have already been resolved and are being resolved as new ones arise. The change to Taming on Monday for example. If these were really exploits, unfair advantages, or whatever you want to call them, they would of been resolved years ago when they were introduced. Staff is going to start using Blizzard's GM go to: "Works as intended"
I love you


I've bought a Nox relic very soon after it's been placed on that vendor and afterward owner even hooked me up with bloody relic for 4.5. He brought it in the bank to trade too, didn't say things like "I'll put it on vendor for you to buy".

Also the OP has like 6 posts total, so he might be on purpose trying to discredit these guys who are their competitors with eggs/relics. Bottom line, steve-o and others have been using that vendor for some time for adding high end items and posting on forum, which of course attracts all thieves around.

So, OP this is on your end, careless and ignorance, but yea tough luck. I've seen a thief jack skill scroll from me too while ago and as painful as it is, thieves should have some way to make profit, otherwise nobody would roll thief profession.


A scam is defined as "a dishonest scheme; a fraud" or swindle

The op is right to call it a scam, note he doesn't call it an exploit.

You people freaking out over him calling it a scam need a break.

Also scamming is totally part of the game, and I don't see the op trying to get whoever did this in trouble with staff. He is just letting us know to be careful of a vendor.

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