Meta trapped in another players house

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So, I was pked, and someone lored my meta into their house. How do I get it back?

Or, do I need to get a pet summoning ball?


And the second you get a pet you don't want to loose, get a summoning ball right away!
Sorry you're experiencing this. PKs like this suck serious ass!


How did u and pet get in?
Im assuming tile outside is set to everyone. ....

Go get rezed, go back precast recall. Run onto tele tile hit your all follow macro n recall.


There was a door, it's locked now.

So, I got a pet summoning ball. But, I guess it's too late now.

So, my pet is gone for good now?

Guess it's for the best. Was wasting too much time on this game anymore lol.

And, Thank you POWER! Super appreciate the time I'll get back.


Well, doesn't look like I have any choice in the matter. PK was Budsmokers Only.

Anyhow, it's for the best for me. I should have quit sometime ago. I need for focus more on school/work. Hell, I've alienated my friends cause I use all my free-time on this game.

So, thanks for trying to assist Vince. Appreciate it. But, I'm calling it quits. At least for now, prob see some of y'all again in a few years on another shard.

Been tons of fun.


Well, doesn't look like I have any choice in the matter. PK was Budsmokers Only.

Anyhow, it's for the best for me. I should have quit sometime ago. I need for focus more on school/work. Hell, I've alienated my friends cause I use all my free-time on this game.

So, thanks for trying to assist Vince. Appreciate it. But, I'm calling it quits. At least for now, prob see some of y'all again in a few years on another shard.

Been tons of fun.

I might sound a bit harsh but i'm really sorry and thats very unfortunate what happened to you but if you really can't get over something like this than i dont think that UO is a game that fit you very well anyways.

Best of luck.


I feel ya brotha! You do whats right for you! If that means moving on, do it! Ive enjoyed your posts.
Its Saturday night go out and party it up. Get shit off your mind. And make the decision tomorrow or in few days. Clear your mind. Dont let their grief decide for you brotha.


No big deal. Was to be excepted lol.

I just don't have the free-time for this game is mostly it. So, I won't be repeating anything. Though, tamer was interesting. I hadn't had a tamer for over 10 years lol, since OSI.
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