Another of my forum lovers. I will say it again cause you people don't seem to listen. you were not involved in talks about the island and know nothing of what was or wasn't supposed to happen with it. Thanks for your interest.
Oh, and I never said a word about your corrupt little "artist" buddy till after he was no longer staff. thanks for playing.
Jesus, you are seriously a disgusting excuse for a human being ain't ya? It is common knowledge how much you stomped your feet around and cried crocodile tears about the house decoration competition and yet here you are again, requesting things to be done your way which is a blatant slap in the face for those who are genuine figures to this server. You state that Berlusconi was 'corrupt', is that because he was a thief or Italian? What he and others did with Booty island gave something back to UOForever tenfold without receiving a single penny for their weeks of work and you have the audacity to call him corrupt? Your principles are seriously messed up and with all due respects, you do not deserve any help with the island apart from what you pour into it yourself..
Just to add, Silvio was innocent of any accusations thrown against him, maybe you have the same impression of the other staff members here? Maybe Liberty will be accused next regarding corruption or perhaps Halygon-JoeB, man, why don't you accuse Shane and Adam? It seems to be quite common for you to do that.,....