Solving the So-Called PK Crisis

Tard the Paladin

Look gang.

I know that everyone gets irritated when someone you don't like in game posts something you don't agree with. However, let's hold the grudges and just respond to the actual ideas that submitted.

My goal with this thread is to brain storm ideas that favor all players on the server. The best solution isn't going to be the one that exclusively benefits reds, blues, PvM'ers, or PvP'ers. The best solution is the one that will be favorable for all. That is why I proposed my idea of incentivized PvP and explained why I believe that.

I've also come up with another idea. The additional dungeons are a great way to mitigate risk for blue players. The more decent hunting spots available means that blue players can fight more mobs and run into fewer reds. A great addition to this would be to add relic drops to non-MOTM mobs. The drop rate could be based on the difficulty of the mob. This means that groups of experienced players would benefit from working together while also allowing solo players to have a chance at getting good drops.

New players aren't just at a disadvantage by not knowing how to PvP. They are also at a disadvantage when veteran blues keep a lock on RDA's/champ spawns. Adding in relic drops would help new players have a chance at succeeding in this game.


Relics Are already too common. Prices dropped a lot already, except bloody.
QS was 11m, now you can get it For 7-8, molten was 6m+ now you get 4m if you're lucky, nox was 3 now it's 1m

Some things HAVE to be rare, too many maxed metas mean too much gold flooding The economy (you can farm 100k++/hour with a maxed meta dragon

Tard the Paladin

Fair enough. Sorry to have derailed your thread..

I certainly want you on my thread. In fact I want everyone on this thread whether they hate me or love me. Its just that I want people to submit and critique ideas. Lets debate the merits of one anothers ideas and offer solutions to the problems that we might see.

ton loc

The people who PvP now will still PvP...and the blues get to be invulnerable. So this solves nothing other than giving blues freedom to farm anything at any time.

This is a Felucca server. If people weren't prepared to get raided every champ spawn so they can't buy anything in the game their first hour playing...they shouldn't have chose to invest their time in a Felucca server.

Here is a CRAZYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY suggestion that involves no staff intervening ...


crazy, I know...but try it.
Are you silly santas alt forum account? Because you sound just as dumb. Why do you keep bringing up champ spawns? Pretty sure that hasn't even been mentioned recently, much less in the post you quoted.


Because you sound just as dumb. Why do you keep bringing up champ spawns? Pretty sure that hasn't even been mentioned recently, much less in the post you quoted.

Shows how out of touch you are with UOF -- all the tears recently have been because EQMS raids champ spawns.


Don't listen to bluebies who have never PvPed and die on their tamer. :/

Not sure if you're calling me a blueby or saying I shouldn't listen to them, but either way it's a fair point that having never tried PvP I don't actually know that it's pointless or unfun. It's just the impression I've gotten from reading these forums.

To me it just seems logical that if the objective is to get people to do something they

1. don't enjoy doing
2. aren't built to do or don't know how to do properly, and
3. are unlikely to succeed at

then you have to start addressing some of those factors. #1 you can't directly control, people like what they like. #2 could be addressed by training, but without enjoyment as an incentive it's kind of a nonstarter.

That leaves #3. If success rate could be increased somehow -- if it could be made easier to transition from PvM to PvP without having to start from scratch and learn an entirely different game, if people could taste the thrill of victory occasionally rather than being ground into the dust of defeat -- PvMers might come to enjoy PvP. Which would create a positive feedback loop where they do it more, learn it better, succeed more, like it more, etc. Instead of the negative feedback loop we seem to have now. That trajectory is not going to change unless energy is put into changing it.

I'm new so I can't really offer concrete suggestions for what might make it easier to transition, maybe skill jewelry or special weapons, maybe make taming less ridiculously difficult or nerfed or whatever, I dunno.

Or I guess people could just complain until staff start reining in the reds. That seems to be the only other option.

Tard the Paladin

Not sure if you're calling me a blueby or saying I shouldn't listen to them, but either way it's a fair point that having never tried PvP I don't actually know that it's pointless or unfun. It's just the impression I've gotten from reading these forums.

To me it just seems logical that if the objective is to get people to do something they

1. don't enjoy doing
2. aren't built to do or don't know how to do properly, and
3. are unlikely to succeed at

then you have to start addressing some of those factors. #1 you can't directly control, people like what they like. #2 could be addressed by training, but without enjoyment as an incentive it's kind of a nonstarter.

That leaves #3. If success rate could be increased somehow -- if it could be made easier to transition from PvM to PvP without having to start from scratch and learn an entirely different game, if people could taste the thrill of victory occasionally rather than being ground into the dust of defeat -- PvMers might come to enjoy PvP. Which would create a positive feedback loop where they do it more, learn it better, succeed more, like it more, etc. Instead of the negative feedback loop we seem to have now. That trajectory is not going to change unless energy is put into changing it.

I'm new so I can't really offer concrete suggestions for what might make it easier to transition, maybe skill jewelry or special weapons, maybe make taming less ridiculously difficult or nerfed or whatever, I dunno.

Or I guess people could just complain until staff start reining in the reds. That seems to be the only other option.

UOF is currently a Felucca shard so its my opinion that players that put effort into a balanced play style of both PvM and PvP should be rewarded for broadening their horizons. Incentivized PvP doesn't force anything on anyone. Blues that don't want to PvP will still enjoy quiet dungeons where they won't have to worry about reds nearly as often. But like you said the other option is to nerf reds.

Nerfing reds is a brain dead approach. The knee-jerk reaction to punish players of a certain play style can be a crowd pleasing easy fix if you don't mind hemorrhaging the player population of those you punish. Sometimes the better option is to take a look at game mechanics and look for a solution that benefits all parties. Incentivized PvP is the solution that I offer for that. It is the approach that * has used and achieved great success. Many see Albion as the modern successor to Felucca UO. That would seem like a better model to emulate rather than a Trammel type system that effectively takes reds out of the game. Adding more penalties to reds will just take those players out of the game for longer periods of time. If players can't play the game they will quite obviously go play another game. That seems like an undesirable approach. The better approach is to get those players to focus their energy elsewhere like faction style warfare in Kingdoms.

Time will tell if its a carrot or a stick. Either way is fine. Staff will choose the rules they think is best for the game meanwhile players choose which game they think is best for them. The world keeps turning believe it or not.


I am a blue, and i will never be a PK. However i like PK's,make the game challenging :D

At first, i was hunting alone, and got PK'd. Now im going with friends so we can kill any single PK's. Thats something i think its fun about this game and server.

Tard the Paladin

I think it would help if more people that normally do not participate in forums would voice their opinion. I think many don't for fear of being flamed or trolled.

It is pretty much the same old crowd speaking out for what they believe .

I hear you but there is something to be said about quality over quantity.

My aim with this thread is to explore solutions that benefit all parties involved without resorting to outdated punishment based methodology. My proposed solution is incentivized PvP and this thread is to explore the in's and out's of how that solution could work.

Game mechanics that encourage players to play another game/server while they macro seems like a misguided approach to put it mildly. Its better to focus those players energy in another aspect of the game that still satisfies their game play style while making it less of a nuisance to other players. I feel that my ideas shine some light into how that might start to work.

I would love it if others would brainstorm ideas and share them here. There's no substitute for player input for finding solutions that make game play more enjoyable.

Soul Mate

I hear you but there is something to be said about quality over quantity.

My aim with this thread is to explore solutions that benefit all parties involved without resorting to outdated punishment based methodology. My proposed solution is incentivized PvP and this thread is to explore the in's and out's of how that solution could work.

Game mechanics that encourage players to play another game/server while they macro seems like a misguided approach to put it mildly. Its better to focus those players energy in another aspect of the game that still satisfies their game play style while making it less of a nuisance to other players. I feel that my ideas shine some light into how that might start to work.

I would love it if others would brainstorm ideas and share them here. There's no substitute for player input for finding solutions that make game play more enjoyable.

I agree with you om some matter and appreciate that you behave like a civilized man, you should get an award for that alone. However I disagree on incentivizing will not help the pvmers mindset..I wish it would see my Post to Glutts question.


I'm new to this shard but not so much to UO. I love the PK element UO offers. The zergs suck, but it's a smart way to PK if you are a red. Blue PVPs could do this too but not so much Blue PVMs. My build (Provo/Archer w/ no magery) makes no sense to try to fight back, even if there were a few of us. My defense is to hide and recall the heecckkkk outa there, which I still find entertaining, it's gotta suck for the red that was just chasing me down...

How about some type of rotating system where a specific dungeon(s) that week or day would be a PvP free zone for a certain amount of time. It might overload that dungeon with blues but at least they can grind in peace but not at every dungeon all the time.


How about some type of rotating system where a specific dungeon(s) that week or day would be a PvP free zone for a certain amount of time. It might overload that dungeon with blues but at least they can grind in peace but not at every dungeon all the time.
If they did that they might as well just put in the Trammel system.

Tard the Paladin

I agree with you om some matter and appreciate that you behave like a civilized man, you should get an award for that alone. However I disagree on incentivizing will not help the pvmers mindset..I wish it would see my Post to Glutts question.

There are some PvM'ers who would enjoy PvP if it gave them pixels. There are plenty of pixel horders that can PvP but don't because its not a profitable use of their timer.

There are PvM'ers who refuse to PvP under any circumstances. These PvM'ers will enjoy quieter dungeons when the red population is preoccupied with incentivized PvP under Kingdoms or whatnot.

There's no reason not to incentivize PvP since there are logical safeguards to prevent abuse. Incentivizing PvP is just a means to reward players for their time and effort which is important from a game play perspective.

Shane has mentioned revamping factions several times and other PvP implementations. Staff still seems dismayed that few people express interest in PvP'ing after all those updates. However, its a very fundamental principal of game development that players are missing on UOF. Players like to see their time and effort rewarded. Incentivized PvP is the only way that the general populace is going to buy in.

Tard the Paladin

If they did that they might as well just put in the Trammel system.

At least with the Trammel system you could still go to Felucca for a real UO setting. However, the current threats to keep nerfing reds until they leave is basically implementing Trammel without Felucca.


Trammel is actually preferable than nerfing reds until they decide its no longer worth it play. At least with the Trammel system you could still go to Felucca for a real UO setting. However, the current threats to keep nerfing reds until they leave is basically implementing Trammel without Felucca.
Yes but if that's the case whats to stop people from just going back to OSI? I think a lot of people (including my self) found UOF shard to be more enjoyable because it wasn't like OSI with Tram and Fel. I believe if you take Fel away and turn it in to Tram it would drive a lot more people away and not just people who want to Pk or PvP.