They greatly reduced it on certain bosses, and others will tether back to Altar quite quickly...
Still, you and the group you are with has to pay attention to the altar, and possibly even keep a ghost or stealther right at the altar to watch for the champ to spawn when he/she is due. I know from personal experience, it is easy to miss the champ, especially in Destard.
Also, keep in mind it is the nefarious guild known as We Got Werkt. No other known guild still does this, as the brave fighters of EQMS have scared away POWER and $. Instead of making forum posts complaining how $ and POWER and whoever else was stealing champs, Lord Gluttony assembled a squad of elite freedom fighters that greatly reduced this from happening.
Even now, battle looms as We Got Werkt tries to leech every last gold coin they can at the expense of those they can bully. EQMS doesn't take shit from We Got Werkt, and has even come to dominate them in PvM as well as PvP...
So the simple solution is, join up. We would welcome you Ember, and from personal experience I can say EQMS is the nicest guild on the server. You even get to join for free.
So to sum up, even if the server has broken mechanics, EQMS is here to protect our members! You can enjoy the game, and win at all the RDA, champs, and IDOCS like a fucking warlock! We look forward to seeing you soon.
You get dumber with every post. And that's coming from me.