Scaling Head Bounties


I really like the design of the murderer bounty system here on UO Forever. However, if I'm not mistaken, the maximum ransom you can ask for a head is 25k.

I would like to see a scaling bounty system in place. The more murders you have committed, the higher/longer the stat loss and the higher the maximum ransom for having your head turned in.

I don't think the potential penalty for PK's is high enough and on the flip side I don't think the incentive to actively hunt PKs is lucrative enough. If both were adjusted I think we would see more interesting fights. The risk/reward in UO is part of what makes it a fantastic game, I believe a change like this would add a cool dynamic to the server.


What's to stop a red from collecting their own bounty, and then deleting the character once it gets high enough?


I don't want to be rude but your question doesn't really relate to the system that exists here. I guess the sysyem here would be more accurately called a ransom system.

How it works now:
A red kills as much as they want till someone kills them and takes their head. They interact with the head and that allows you to demand a bounty from the red. The red can counter offer. If ypu dont agree on a ransom you are free to turn in the head to a guard which triggers stat liss ti the red. If the bounty is payed, the head is consumed and the money transfered from the red to your bank.

The changes:
I really like the system but I don't think the maximum ransom of 25k is punishing enough to the red or rewarding enough for the head holder. In addition to increasing the maximum possible bounty I think the max amount and duration of stat loss should scale with murder conuts so the PKS are more willing to pay to avoid stat loss and are punished for not paying.

More risk, more reward.

Anyone have thoughts?


I get what you're saying now. You want a scaled ransom system - I was confused becuse you said bounty which traditionally relates to turning the head into the guard, and receiving payment from him.


I really like the design of the murderer bounty system here on UO Forever. However, if I'm not mistaken, the maximum ransom you can ask for a head is 25k.

I would like to see a scaling bounty system in place. The more murders you have committed, the higher/longer the stat loss and the higher the maximum ransom for having your head turned in.

I don't think the potential penalty for PK's is high enough and on the flip side I don't think the incentive to actively hunt PKs is lucrative enough. If both were adjusted I think we would see more interesting fights. The risk/reward in UO is part of what makes it a fantastic game, I believe a change like this would add a cool dynamic to the server.

Shouldn't the incentive be the vanquishing of your foe and the right to his loot?


Shouldn't the incentive be the vanquishing of your foe and the right to his loot?

Punishment should fit the crime. Playing a red and murdering other players should be the riskiest way to play UO.

PKs are essential to the risk reward fun of UO. I just think the system could be tweaked to increase the excitement for both the reds and red hunters.


I wish there was more risk for reds. Yes I am new, but I have yet to last more than 30 minutes farming without being PK'd. I don't stay in a dungeon longer than 10 minutes and even that doesn't help lately. At night, which is the only time many of us can play, they are everywhere. Usually not alone either...


Guys where do you farm? when i log blue to kill pk i need to logout after 10minutes and switch to my pk to search some blues..


Anywhere with mobs that drop 500+ gold. Keep in mind I am new so I don't know the best spots. Destard, Despise, Wrong, Khaldun, Abyss are where I go the most but again I have stopped a lot due to not making it longer than 10 mins at each place.

Young Star

90% of reds arent even willing to pay 25k for their head back. Raising the limit wont have an effect. I too would like to see tge bounty system revamped some but i dont feel this will improve it.


I never buyed back a single head in 3 years, even if it would cost 5k. If someone kill my red i deserve to be statted


Punishment should fit the crime. Playing a red and murdering other players should be the riskiest way to play UO.

PKs are essential to the risk reward fun of UO. I just think the system could be tweaked to increase the excitement for both the reds and red hunters.
The punishment should fit the crime. But instead of an eye for an sounds like you want the eye, his truck and first born son. You know who will be the bounty hunters...reds or militia guys on blues.


I never buyed back a single head in 3 years, even if it would cost 5k. If someone kill my red i deserve to be statted

This is exactly the problem. There is no need for reds to even participate in the system because there is no effective incentive or disencentive.

I'm not against reds, heck I would be open to an open bounty system where you could hire a red to kill someone. Although I can think of a lot of ways that could be abused, it would be cool to add a way for pks to make gold besides full looting pve newb farmers.

The point is I'm not against reds, and if you read my earlier posts entirely you would know I think they are essential.

I am against a ransom/bounty system with no substantive risks, rewards, incentives or disincentives


Why would a red pay a bounty, when they put in 10 hours over a 48 hour period playing, and have 15 characters between 3 accounts, with probably half or more red.. if they die that much, they just play their blues and wait things out, if they don't die, they just keep playing reds... The real problem making statloss not much of a deterrent is that it is real time / even if it was in game time, people would just macro off the statloss, but at least if it was in game time, you could only work off 3 characters at a time.. .

I fully support the idea and premise behind the OPs post, giving incentive for bounty hunters would create more conflict, and more action, but I don't think you are going to see PK's buying back their heads.


Was chatting with some friends, and thought I'd throw it up here, see how much mud gets flung back in my face... but consider 1% perm statloss for reds, 33% temp statloss for 1 hour - as the punishment for losing your head.
  • provides incentive for reds to buy back their heads if they can do it cheaper than skill scrolls or don't care to work skills up
  • breathes some life into the skill scroll market, at least combat scrolls
  • reds buying back their heads creates that bounty hunter type system, where a player hunting reds could get a pay day
  • due to the last point, we are now self policing our reds
  • due to the last point of self policing, it's generating more activity
  • while a red can hop onto another character, to keep going if he doesn't get his skills back up, eventually he'll be rendered ineffective
Currently statloss isn't a deterrent to reds - clearly, as they don't buy back heads, they jump on another character.. most people only play 3-4 hours a night, and 48 hours is over in two nights, really you aren't losing much if you lose a couple of characters to 48 hour temp stat loss, especially if you are only playing every couple of days...