People who have put in the effort to make a tali are the only ones whose comments are really relevant and worth taking seriously here.
Everything else on this thread is just the usual UO stuff of newbies wanting to change everything, lazy people wanting to blame some mechanic and leet pvpers looking to disadvantage their opponents any way they can.
Exact opposite. The people who have the talisman are obviously going to be biased. I've seen plenty of people making many compelling points as to why talismans should NOT work in PVP. As of now, I have yet to hear a single significant argument in favor of keeping them the way they are that isn't "We spent time and money on it". Fact of the matter is they weren't supposed to work in PVP situations to begin with.
I'm all for anything that will enhance other player's PVM experience. When it comes to PVP though I think I speak for the vast majority of active PVPers when I say that the game (especially a UOR based server) shouldn't be an item based grindfest. You shouldn't have to invest millions of gold and hundreds of hours of time to min/max your character in order to be on the same level playing field as others.
I also think it's funny that people try and insinuate that the players asking for it not to work in PVP are the "trammies" and/or "snowflakes". Someone wanting a level playing field against any opponents is the least trammy thing I can think of. Players that rely on abusing PVM mechanics that weren't meant to work in PVP are the ones, in my opinion, that are the real snowflakes.