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Currently you can get 4 relic for each meta talisman. Unfortunately this means almost ever meta is the same when finished. I propose a 5th relic option for each tali. Keep the 4 relics max but having a 5 to choose from.
I've spent very lil time on these relic suggestions and encourage others to post a relic idea for each tali.
Spellbook stun: arming a spellbook and wrestling your monster can proc a 1second stun going up to 10 when maxed. 40 sec cool down
Weapon chain: allows zerk to hit mob 2 tiles away and only profs on one handed weapons. 30 to 40 sec cool down depending on lvl
Shield bash: a resilient with parry and a sheild armed will knock a mob backwads and do dmg bases on lvl. 40 sec cool down.
From the shadows: a hidden attack that requires stealth. The monster you're attacking must be facing away from you so youre backstabbing.
Please post your thoughts and ideas. Even if you have reasons to be against a 5th relic choice. I'd like to hear it.
I've spent very lil time on these relic suggestions and encourage others to post a relic idea for each tali.
Spellbook stun: arming a spellbook and wrestling your monster can proc a 1second stun going up to 10 when maxed. 40 sec cool down
Weapon chain: allows zerk to hit mob 2 tiles away and only profs on one handed weapons. 30 to 40 sec cool down depending on lvl
Shield bash: a resilient with parry and a sheild armed will knock a mob backwads and do dmg bases on lvl. 40 sec cool down.
From the shadows: a hidden attack that requires stealth. The monster you're attacking must be facing away from you so youre backstabbing.
Please post your thoughts and ideas. Even if you have reasons to be against a 5th relic choice. I'd like to hear it.