Meta character diversity

ee am Dat

Currently you can get 4 relic for each meta talisman. Unfortunately this means almost ever meta is the same when finished. I propose a 5th relic option for each tali. Keep the 4 relics max but having a 5 to choose from.

I've spent very lil time on these relic suggestions and encourage others to post a relic idea for each tali.

Spellbook stun: arming a spellbook and wrestling your monster can proc a 1second stun going up to 10 when maxed. 40 sec cool down

Weapon chain: allows zerk to hit mob 2 tiles away and only profs on one handed weapons. 30 to 40 sec cool down depending on lvl

Shield bash: a resilient with parry and a sheild armed will knock a mob backwads and do dmg bases on lvl. 40 sec cool down.

From the shadows: a hidden attack that requires stealth. The monster you're attacking must be facing away from you so youre backstabbing.

Please post your thoughts and ideas. Even if you have reasons to be against a 5th relic choice. I'd like to hear it.
Very good idea to add a 5th option. Much like the tamer relics. I do propose different style of relics but +1 for the idea.. Here's my suggestion
Berserker - armour pierce. Ignores monster armour for bonus dmg but only viable for certain weapon types to make them more viable. Long spear, bardiche/Hally, longsword. Hammer pick etc.
Resilience - parry/reposte. Next attack after a parry does bonus dmg with higher dmg based on shield size. Ie bucklers produce highest dmg and heaters lowest.
OR you shield bash idea. Higher dmg with higher ar on shield with short stun.
Mage - nox. Uncureable poison, lvl 1-6 based on lvl.
OR field mastery. Fire fields cause an explosive dmg non are limited once per mob and poison fields apply higher lvl poison. Maybe 1-4 based on lvl?
Please be gentle also a very rough draft


Couple of other Mage talisman ideas:

1) Meditation Relic - 10% chance on meditate to cause you to meditate at faster speeds - 5% faster at level 1, 50% faster at level 10. (would need to some how disable this if in combat with another player)
2) Tank Relic - the warriors have there's, would love to see a defense relic that reduces damage from mobs at level 10, but 25% physical, and 25% magical, or 10% physical, and 50% magical. As magic users we should be able to attune to magic and absorb some. (It should definitely not be on par with the defense relic warriors have, not sure what damage reduction is there, so this should be less overall, but split between physical and magical)


Wanted to edit this, because I didn't mean 10% on meditate, meant 40% - but can't edit, so I'll add it instead.


2) Tank Relic - the warriors have there's, would love to see a defense relic that reduces damage from mobs at level 10, but 25% physical, and 25%
there is one, Its called
the Elude relic found on the gold sink for the shadow of the rogue talisman


They are not all the same when finished.

The defense talisman trends towards defense. The others trend towards damage.

The meta pet is superior to all of the talismans. giving you excellent defense and damage.

This is also worsened by the fact that tamers don't need to carry any nice weapons or armor.

They can also use provocation, unlike talisman characters.


I could see soo many more relics for every class... Shield bubble for the mage allowing them to have any source of damage deal 1 damage to them instead of full. Shield bash that'll paralyze creatures and cause them to aggro on the shield bearer.(the resilience class lacks ways to control aggro so bad for a "tank" class).. Some type of cripple ability for the zerker that'll allow them to make magic mobs like liches and dragons unable to cast spells for a short amount of time... Heck I even have ideas for other tallismans like a pirate talisman that would give bonuses to fishing and plundering for our whirlpool enthusiasts.... or like a vampire talisman that would slowly drain health overtime but give you bonus to your spells like eval intel does... yeah i've got a bunch of ideas. Some are pretty bad but I got some! x)


Hunter Relic: Makes archery more viable, perhaps it could have a special hit that would slow or freeze the mob that is being attacked. Could also open the door to archery based relics that have a chance to poision the mob on a sucessful hit Or something along those lines


Hunter Relic: Makes archery more viable, perhaps it could have a special hit that would slow or freeze the mob that is being attacked. Could also open the door to archery based relics that have a chance to poision the mob on a sucessful hit Or something along those lines

There is a relic that let's archery poison it is infected wounds. Problem is most high end creatures cure poison instantly.