Eternal Dragon
800 gp each. Can do bulk.
Thats i think where my confusion on the best part is cuz I've seen vanqs in both blood and frost and we're having much better luck at getting frost than blood.
Regardless of how many shots you say. I did 50 shots on each regular, heart, blood and frost (all exceptional heavies and bows) And documented the highest and lowest dmg if each. I then compared it to force, power and vanq regular magics and ran the same tests. (All started fully repaired or new off the line)
I was only able to get a 95 out of the vanq and a 90 out of frost and blood exceptional heavies.
Whereas the force regular heavy couldn't yield a number that high for dmg no matter how many shots i fired. I retested even.
So the exceptional blood and frost out did the dmg for a force regular magic heavy.
But you said no dmg increase from wood type?
The heart also proved to deal similar dmg to a force or power.
So i doubt it was a fluke. I even tested against a control, a normal wood, exceptional, heavy.
The bows however showed no change in dmg. Again i believe due to a percentage raise to dmg and since bows are less dmg, the same percentage doesnt go nearly as far.
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He is saying that when using a weapon hypothetically with something 40hp base damage and say a 20% exc bonus it yields a more visible bonus over a weapon with 20hp base damage with the same 20% bonus. 40hp+20%= 8hp bonus and 20hp+20%= 4hp heavy xbows are the highest damage so that last sentence is some very flawed logic... are you trolling us so your buddy can make a killing in the 800 gp bow market?