Endgame Ideas and Realism


I've come up with a further refinement of my ideas for the arts. The categories of artist would be:

Composer/Virtuoso - high intelligence, high begging, high music - can compose and perform inspirational music
Author/Orator - high intelligence, high begging, high inscription - can compose and perform works that involve speaking
Sculptor/Painter - high intelligence, high begging, high carpentry - can craft inspirational works of visual art
Acrobat - high dexterity, high begging, high fencing - can perform entertaining acts of dexterity (dance, acrobatics, juggling, sleight of hand)

Only the most skilled of virtuosi or orators can effectively improvise, otherwise crafted works of music or writing must be added to their repertoire. The most effective performances in battle would be songs, which require moderately high music and inscription skill to craft, and high music skill to perform. The musician would not be able to engage in combat, unless singing a capella which would be no more effective than giving a speech. Orators in contrast could engage in combat while rallying their party with speech, but only listeners of similar alignment. Instrumental music would have the least effect, but the alignment of the listener would not matter. All of the effects would be highest during the performance, then have a more moderate and long lasting residual effect. Music performances would work like begging skill on all nearby players and npcs.

The works of visual artists, as well as inspirational writings, would also have a long lasting, moderate effect. The advantage would be that there is no need for a performance, only a viewing or reading. Together with music compositions, these crafted works would fetch the highest prices as they would require more time and dedication (like gardening) and can be used as often as needed.

The various types of performances of an "acrobat" would be not so much inspirational as entertaining, and in a more visually engaging sort of way. They would have moderate short term effect on skills, and if the performer has enough skill, all creatures nearby would be enthralled as by the peacemaking skill, and players and npcs alike would have a small portion of the gold they are carrying transferred to the performer. Players would have another reason to put their coin in the bank as soon as possible, lest it be stolen or begged away from them by thieves and performers.


the ideas sound cool but why have realism? cause I can go outside and throw energy bolts at the cars driving down the street right? when was the last time you seen someone go to the store on a fucking horse? i wish i could gate travel to france or some shit....


the ideas sound cool but why have realism? cause I can go outside and throw energy bolts at the cars driving down the street right? when was the last time you seen someone go to the store on a fucking horse? i wish i could gate travel to france or some shit....
i see amish people everyday go everywhere on horses.......


there really are some good ideas in there
i like the idea of house taxes but some of the accomplished players with big houses have millions of gold
while yes it could be a good gold sink and would eventually force them to play the game again i suppose
i would have recommended monthly game played time quota
to be honest i dont like the idea of having a timer to eat food
bedrolls were usually used in conjunction with camping for an instant log out while in the forest


No but some carry swords and longbows besides I said amish not wickan you bitter, narrow minded, little boy with an inflated sense of value of your own opinion.......

we are talking about realism in a video game on a interwebs forums you self entitled basement dweller. Keep slinging mindless insults. Reread my posts and figure it out for yourself how that the use of realism in a video game is useless and why you are in turn a twit.


we are talking about realism in a video game.

My original beef was mainly about the near uselessness of cooking, eating, and utensils, but it applied to other things like beds, spyglasses, scales, glassware, clothes, jewelry, etc. Then I thought, why not also have benefits for reading, listening to music, and admiring art works, to add a new dimension to the game. Sure, role-players could make pretend, but why not provide an incentive for role play to sweeten the deal?

The purpose of the added benefits would ultimately be to enhance things like skills or stat regen, for when you go out griefing or farming. We are talking about things that take a little longer than drinking a potion, but the effects would generally last much longer. So the focus is still on the crafting and combat that you are used to, just adding a little something for those who want to spice things up. That's what life is all about.

The need to occasionally eat and rest, or at least the benefits of eating and resting, were addressed in some games of the Ultima series just because it was possible and to add some immersion. My ideas about inspiration parallel some things in the Sim series, but I imagine Richard Garriott might also enjoy those since they would be consistent with his "we create worlds" philosophy. Simulating real life was a big part of it.
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we are talking about realism in a video game on a interwebs forums you self entitled basement dweller. Keep slinging mindless insults. Reread my posts and figure it out for yourself how that the use of realism in a video game is useless and why you are in turn a twit.

some people like realism in game......only people who think their opinions matter to other people (here's a secret: they don't) would go into someone's thread they obviously put a lot of thought into and trash it just cause they don't agree with it.....I think more realism would be great.....carry torches in dungeons....sleep at night or walk/cast/swing slower.....so please....keep "slinging" olde English insults and figure out for yourself why you are in turn a bitter little man......


some people like realism in game......only people who think their opinions matter to other people (here's a secret: they don't) would go into someone's thread they obviously put a lot of thought into and trash it just cause they don't agree with it.....I think more realism would be great.....carry torches in dungeons....sleep at night or walk/cast/swing slower.....so please....keep "slinging" olde English insults and figure out for yourself why you are in turn a bitter little man......
you dont carry torches in a dungeon that's what night sight is for, having your character sleep at night?, no more than 5 minutes if it would be implemented the only way it could be done was character exhaustion i dont like the idea of having to stay logged in 24/7 on a character to unattend macro sleeping while he gets his 8 hours
it essentially is stat loss for every single character regardless of red or blue


you dont carry torches in a dungeon that's what night sight is for, having your character sleep at night?, no more than 5 minutes if it would be implemented the only way it could be done was character exhaustion i dont like the idea of having to stay logged in 24/7 on a character to unattend macro sleeping while he gets his 8 hours
it essentially is stat loss for every single character regardless of red or blue

Right now you don't need night sight, with Razor you can filter light level and have permanent daylight everywhere. I'd rather have that disabled but a longer night sight spell, as well as a few desirable spots where only non-magic light sources would work.

Even I would say that 5 minutes of uninterrupted rest, even once per in-game day, might be too long, even though people hang out for extended periods of time. As for the effects of fatigue, I was thinking more along the lines of progressively nerfed skills after each game day, but back to normal with an uninterrupted rest on a chair, bedroll or bed, with varying effectiveness. If thirsty or hungry, I had in mind a progressive nerfing of stat regen until fully sated of food and drink. Even at 0 anatomy, you could check your status to get an idea when you would need to drink, eat or rest next. You might only need to check every real time hour or two, and drink, eat and rest once per full game day. Failing to do it wouldn't kill you, just nerf a few things if neglected too long.

Don't get me wrong, I like everything the game has to offer already, I would just like to see usefulness for more items and skills, and other ways to broaden and deepen the experience. Enough to make it useful for high cooking skill, as an example, for brews and prepared foods with special benefits. Or use for glassblower's lab equipment to make special concoctions. Or use of spyglasses, scales, globes. How about situations where wearing fine clothes and jewelry would be beneficial? Or, when out in the fields and forests, having it useful to bring along a bedroll, a waterskin or jug, a pan or pot, plate, mug and utensils? There are many things that are unusable, and others that are usable but not useful. Ideally, every item and every skill should be useful, even plants, art, books and furniture. I described already about introducing inspirational effects of arts and entertainment. And about including henchmen, animated dead and constructs, since there are already pets. How about children too?

Having seen how much has been accomplished in this game already, my mind can't help exploring the possibilities for the future.


Right now you don't need night sight, with Razor you can filter light level and have permanent daylight everywhere. I'd rather have that disabled but a longer night sight spell, as well as a few desirable spots where only non-magic light sources would work.

Even I would say that 5 minutes of uninterrupted rest, even once per in-game day, might be too long, even though people hang out for extended periods of time. As for the effects of fatigue, I was thinking more along the lines of progressively nerfed skills after each game day, but back to normal with an uninterrupted rest on a chair, bedroll or bed, with varying effectiveness. If thirsty or hungry, I had in mind a progressive nerfing of stat regen until fully sated of food and drink. Even at 0 anatomy, you could check your status to get an idea when you would need to drink, eat or rest next. You might only need to check every real time hour or two, and drink, eat and rest once per full game day. Failing to do it wouldn't kill you, just nerf a few things if neglected too long.

Don't get me wrong, I like everything the game has to offer already, I would just like to see usefulness for more items and skills, and other ways to broaden and deepen the experience. Enough to make it useful for high cooking skill, as an example, for brews and prepared foods with special benefits. Or use for glassblower's lab equipment to make special concoctions. Or use of spyglasses, scales, globes. How about situations where wearing fine clothes and jewelry would be beneficial? Or, when out in the fields and forests, having it useful to bring along a bedroll, a waterskin or jug, a pan or pot, plate, mug and utensils? There are many things that are unusable, and others that are usable but not useful. Ideally, every item and every skill should be useful, even plants, art, books and furniture. I described already about introducing inspirational effects of arts and entertainment. And about including henchmen, animated dead and constructs, since there are already pets. How about children too?

Having seen how much has been accomplished in this game already, my mind can't help exploring the possibilities for the future.
I don't know about all that.. But did you know you can go cow tipping? There's never an end game if you can cow tip.


I don't know about all that.. But did you know you can go cow tipping? There's never an end game if you can cow tip.

You probably shouldn't kid around as it will just get me thinking more. Like, how activities such as cow-tipping, gambling, playing cards and other games would fall under entertainments that could provide modest inspiration benefits. Speaking of cows, aren't we supposed to be able to get milk from them, as well as eggs from chickens? I'd rather not see anything go to waste.

Now that I think of it, there should be a wager system for games such as dice, cards, chess, darts, archery, etc, where two or more players put up money and use the game to see who wins the pot. The outcome could sometimes depend on skills, stats, etc, or entirely by chance.


You probably shouldn't kid around as it will just get me thinking more. Like, how activities such as cow-tipping, gambling, playing cards and other games would fall under entertainments that could provide modest inspiration benefits. Speaking of cows, aren't we supposed to be able to get milk from them, as well as eggs from chickens? I'd rather not see anything go to waste.

Now that I think of it, there should be a wager system for games such as dice, cards, chess, darts, archery, etc, where two or more players put up money and use the game to see who wins the pot. The outcome could sometimes depend on skills, stats, etc, or entirely by chance.
Who was kidding? You REALLY can tip cows over in UO.