A lot of work? What work?
The people doing static timer idocs on UOF are running around the woods with a house sign clicking script. Find a nice fairly/greatly? Park an alt there running a house sign clicking script that takes a screenshot when the timer changes. Boom, now you have the timer + any server restart/save time.
I've killed Script, eqms's house timer doing this multiple times, and I don't even hunt for idocs anymore. At least with random timer you had to fight to secure the plot because it could drop at any moment in the random stage. Now it's just roll the zerg in the last 15 mins or so. This static change was cried for predominantly by eqms members and benefits primarily eqms members.
I don't know what the admins were thinking with this one. Random timer idocs were perfectly fine.
Actually its alot more work books have to be run evrey hour evrey 4 hrs ect aswell as timing/running zones. If u want exact timers u need to do alot of prework as for it benifts eqms it benifits anyone who wants to do the work we have taken lots of idocs form eqms this last 2 weeks and we plan on taking lots more. random timers just create a stale idoc enviroment with a handfull of solo idocers scavanging what they can and the eqms zerg will just lock it down for 4 hours anyway. This way 100% beniftis smaller idoc guilds sorry 4-5 people can dominate idocs again
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