A+ for data gathering for the players here, also you're crazy. Good job.
A+ for data gathering for the players here, also you're crazy. Good job.
Honestly do you really think staff is trolling you in game StegcO? Or that they've spent the time to code in some sort of preferential treatment Xiulian? Listen to yourselves... your being silly.. Your letting RNG affect your brains..
What's silly, imo, is attributing "luck" to mystical forces when we're playing a game that's written in code. The streakiness of the drops is pretty widely acknowledged, for example when someone gets a high-value drop they often get another soon afterward. I'm not saying that anything was deliberately coded in to give preferential treatment, it might just be some fluke of the code that certain characters have higher or lower chances. If you play games with a chance element in real life, such as poker which I played for years, you get a feel for "variance" or how luck swings over time, and I've never seen such wild extremes as I see in this game.