1791 Liches killed: April MotM stats


Honestly do you really think staff is trolling you in game StegcO? Or that they've spent the time to code in some sort of preferential treatment Xiulian? Listen to yourselves... your being silly.. Your letting RNG affect your brains..

What's silly, imo, is attributing "luck" to mystical forces when we're playing a game that's written in code. The streakiness of the drops is pretty widely acknowledged, for example when someone gets a high-value drop they often get another soon afterward. I'm not saying that anything was deliberately coded in to give preferential treatment, it might just be some fluke of the code that certain characters have higher or lower chances. If you play games with a chance element in real life, such as poker which I played for years, you get a feel for "variance" or how luck swings over time, and I've never seen such wild extremes as I see in this game.


What's silly, imo, is attributing "luck" to mystical forces when we're playing a game that's written in code. The streakiness of the drops is pretty widely acknowledged, for example when someone gets a high-value drop they often get another soon afterward. I'm not saying that anything was deliberately coded in to give preferential treatment, it might just be some fluke of the code that certain characters have higher or lower chances. If you play games with a chance element in real life, such as poker which I played for years, you get a feel for "variance" or how luck swings over time, and I've never seen such wild extremes as I see in this game.

First of all there is a difference between the Random function of computers and the casuality of real world. The first one is a function that give as output a random number, usually in a range between N1 and N2, thats is the product of a random choice not based on a (solved) complex function fulfilled of variables but a simply random number throwed out. Otherwise the casuality of real world, in the classic example of a coin throwed, is the result of a complex system made of the strenght you trowed the coin, the wind that touch the coin, the angle you throwed it, ecc ecc. This variables dont give you a random value (as it is for random function ) BUT the result of that function or the result of that part/iteration of the function.

Said that is clearly that the statistic science cant be applied 1:1 to a system that is different (theorically and for real), except for the really basic low that are so basic that cant allow us to make a serious study about MOTM drop.

End of the preface, THEN there is the code of UOF itself, I say thanks to eppy (and obviously I dont think he intentionally coded double relic drop for rich peoples, even if he is sinfully cause he dont listen to my amazing suggestions :) ) that works for us daily but I cant deny to myself, even if I never saw a single row of UOF code, the fact that the strange attractor/s probably nestle in UOF code instead in the difference between random and cusuality.

Paraphrasing Lorenz: "Can a killed zombie in Brit GY cause a Relic Drop in the next MOTM mob killed?"

I would say NO, cause the laws that rule UOF randomize function and the eventual code bugs totally destroy any type of study or statistic calc about MOTM drop, in this specific case.

Thats why after a lot of years we noticed a lot of strange drop totally against any statistic law, I cant even count anymore the number of users that farmed MOTM for 3 month non stop without a single relic and then got a relic or two in a MOTM mob killed in the next months while PVPing.
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