People are saying that with 75 real taming skills I can own a "young dragon"
What is a "young" dragon? Does that mean a Drake? How much does that cost normally?
It is confusing, but as yeety said, they are just weaker dragons.
Imagine Drakes being dragon children and young dragons being young adults. They've got Magery, but pretty low combat stats - and they aren't really very good as a result.
Young dragons are actually pretty sweet. they have pretty decent damage dealing potential and have a large amount of Mana making them great at burst damage. they are different that Drakes and spawn in 2 locations I know of.
hits ?
Fire breath around 20 damage
no Magic
about 85ish taming to control I believe
2 control slots
Young dragons
400+ hits
fire breath 20ish I believe
magic with plenty of mana 400+
75 taming to control
2 control slots
if your looking for some young dragons, start a conversation with me, and we can meet up, and i will get you some.
for clarity, a young dragon is much better than a drake, it had 450-550 hp, can use magery and its dragon fireball hits for 25-27 depending on maximum hp. and its 74.1 taming for youngs.
I can bond my young dragon at 80.2 (75.8). Just for your reference.
Consider young dragon a weaker form of dragon. Melee is weaker. So, it won't bite as strong as dragon. But, if you have trained it up, you can make use of its magic casting ability to kill.
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