Yet another Sallos problem


After entering my login/PW before I get to Character selection screen sallos says I lost connection?? I searched the forums and google and have found no soloution

P.s. I have a working version of sallos that was apparently an old version because after logging in the server would repeatedly tell me in red text "Your sallos version needs to be updated, use the uof launcher to update"(or something along those lines) and about 30 seconds later I would get disced. so I tried to update with the launcher and it would just hang at "searching for downloads" so someone gave me a link to manually update ( ) and now im having d/c after login/before character selection screen.
ANY IDEAS? thanks!


well ii managed to get the updater to work, uof launcher crashed 4 to 5 times before it finished updating and the update button changed to play and everything worked properly !(HOLY FUCK)! but then, of course the client crashed--

System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> SharpDX.SharpDXException: HRESULT: [0x8876086C], Module: [SharpDX.Direct3D9], ApiCode: [D3DERR_INVALIDCALL/InvalidCall], Message: Unknown

I tried running uof again as an admin and pressed play, client launched, and once again I lost connection before the character selection screen.
12 years ago KUOC was problematic to troubleshoot.. but not like this.
I wanna be mad, but I know you guys run/do this shit for free
