WTS Wretched Rabbits from 2014 Event! Rarest Tameable!

Wretched Rabbits from 2014 Event!

I played UOF a couple years ago (2014) and then took a break from it for a while due to IRL goings on.
I'd amassed a large amount of gold and when these things were released I HAD to have them.
So I posted on forum and went around UOF buying all of these little guys up, which you can imagine cost quite a sum.
They are probably the coolest, most unique item in the game.
They've been slightly trained and then were stabled for 2 years.
I am contemplating selling these because I am inactive and would like them go to a great home & stay alive on the shard rather than locked away for eternity in my stable as they have been.
I believe I own the ONLY 5 in existence.

The bunnies are 100/100/100 str/dex/int 36 AR
They are 8x GMable: Magery, EI, Med, Wrestling, Tactics, Anatomy, Resist, & POISONING! (yes they do FS)
They require 0 Taming and 0 Lore to bond and control!!
They will keep up with owner at top running speed and are faster than paragon speed.
3 are pink (Herald)
2 are red (Wretched)

They will also respond to certain Monty Python related remarks.

Ie: "King"
"He must be a king, only one that hasn't got crap all over 'im" <----- LOL =)

"No arms"
" Tis but a flesh wound!"

-I'm sure you can figure that one.

"Unladen Swallow"

See picture for more details.
PM if you are interested and would like to make an offer.
I am not interested in discussing offers inside of the thread, though opinions and comments are very welcome.
If you are not amongst the Uber rich then you prolly don't need to inquire about price.
I'm sure you can imagine the possibilities with these bad boys..
Protection, Pking, Uber bard/tamer, Never lose a battle at sea again, Etc..
You will never see these for sale again, ever.
Thanks for looking =)

I do not have a set asking price.
I am thinking about selling them and considering offers.
I would prefer to sell them all to 1 person, but if the offer is high enough I will sell individually.
1mil each isn't even in the ballpark to give you an idea.
I paid more than that for them in 2014 and that was when a mil meant something.


Neat tameable man. I would be interested but I dont know how useful they would actually be other than to stable them. Maybe they would be good for training chars against but for farming or anything like that the 100 hitpoints is brutallllll... If these had turbo speed for factioners that would be cool too.
I believe there are 2 different versions.
50 eggs in 2014; Monty Python version w/ more skills
25 eggs in 2015; nerfed version
Although I just saw/searched they did something similar the next year.
Neat tameable man. I would be interested but I dont know how useful they would actually be other than to stable them. Maybe they would be good for training chars against but for farming or anything like that the 100 hitpoints is brutallllll... If these had turbo speed for factioners that would be cool too.

While controlling 5 of them, "All Kill" will kill any player nearly instantly.
And I'm happy to prove that to anyone interested in game.