Why you should join EQMS- June loot!

Yoko Kurama

I don't know, this makes me wanna join.

If i pay a 20 mil join fee can we change the guild color from purple to 2655 green?

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I am still voting for Black and Silver, #Raidersnation
Besides, why would OG Glut/Flacco and his gangster guild roll in Purple? Damn you Baltimore.


After checking our record for the month of June, we just wanted to share the results...

Now as you see on the left, those are Champs, rda, and bosses by guild...on the right, you see the actual loot drops from the bosses. In conclusion, for only 200k you too can stop sucking, and start amassing your fortune, all while clad in the most stylish purple attire. Pls pm or come say hi to any EQMS in game, with any questions.

This provides evidence that the situation needs to be looked at by @Shane, @eppy, @Adam to consider having a minimum number of players allowed in a guild. The evidence dictates that EQMS controls individuals playing abilities, which can also push players away from the server. Additionally, this would ruin a server with having everyone mainly in one guild...

Yoko Kurama

Just an update, July is half over, and we are still better than you! All champs, relics, rda are belong to EQMS! Except Sunday, where you can come make believe you are in EQMS for the day.

ps- EQMS faction so needs to happen, half of Minax is just Glutt groupies that aren't even in EQMS.