Why is pet skill loss ignored?

Elizabeth Gold

Possible fix: add another xx% temporary skill loss upon death for xx minutes so it can be easier to retrain them?

Also, you are complaining about getting pet gains while you you managed to get your taming skill?!
Maybe skill loss should be in comparison towards the healthpool of the pet. You know how fast 5 packhorses die? Even with GM resist trained?

Young Star

Gaining magery and resist just to get back the loss from one death takes forever. You have to get very lucky and farm mobs for multiple days without them dying to get back the loss from a single death. Players with 120 taming this isnt too big of a deal for dragons since they can get a rollover. Everyone else has to do things outside of organically farming mobs to build up resist and magery.


i dont understand y u guys dont join faction 2 res pets. if u die to pk n e way why not just join faction 2 res ur pets. srsly so much tears when u alrdy no how 2 avoid skill loss.


And now people will use the argument that you can train your pets resist like you would a player by casting on them. And you can. But it's really not the same thing as 7xing a char and being done forever. These pets lose the skills over and over and over.

And it's so easy too. You don't have to necessarily make a mistake to lose a pet. You can be doing everything right but get boned by circumstances beyond your control. Disconnect, server gets DDoS'ed, pets not listening/recalling despite heavy spam of commands, instant respawn of tough mobs, pet dies while a bandage is going off and gets insta res-killed, etc

And wow what the shit is the above post? It hurts my eyes. Furthermore, I'm not joining Minax to abuse the sigil bonus for pets that's fucking dumb so why would I join for basically free pet resses?

The Gronk

A solution would be to let the meta pets gain back the lost skills naturally, people will still spend $$ on SS to do it faster but its nice to know that the skill will actually increase even if its slowly, but on a meta dragon once skill is lost it cannot increase at all unless you use skill scrolls, or level your pet. I agree that an established LVL 7 tamer is a money making machine, but it takes a long time and a lot of GOLD to get there. I can make money fast but it spends so much faster! I still need roughly 15-20mil to finish leveling my pet to 7 and buy relic & taming 120. I cant see myself being "RICH" for at least another year.

Major issues are for:
Tamed: Wyrms, Dragons, etc. Magery (not so bad), Resist (Terrible), Poisoning (terrible),
Meta Dragons: no skill increases without scrolls or pet level, let this increase gradually as a level 6 to get to 7 needs 3 milxp and you die many, many times to get there, unless you EXPLOIT the whole FAction thing, which then only costs you 5k and away you go...
I cant speak for Steeds or Reptiles because I cant afford either 1 yet...


Yes there's a workaround but that workaround is garbage.

@DunkMasta I'll spare dunking you since you're a newb, but believe me when I say that there is more to the issue than you give credit. Rather than sit idly by, the topic has been brought up for discussion numerous times. Pitchforks have been raised. Shane has heard the cries.

What's the top 3 largest issues with bet skills/ pet skill loss right now?

I've heard about this issue for awhile, i know it's an issue, but i don't wanna remove pet skill loss totally for sure. HOWEVER if it's impossible to regain pet skills at a certain level then we will look at it for sure. Please post the issues, and how you would fix it

So of course I'll take a few minutes out of my day to highlight the things that could be improved upon in the game that I am playing. In a thread where the shard owner requests further input, no less.


u can put me on blast for being new but u r grown man crying about pixel dragon skills. no denying that is sad i be ashemd if i was u


@Shane I'll try to give a few possible solutions to some tamer issues here:

Scrap the no stat loss for factioners. That is an absolute must.
  • Optional: scrap sigil bonuses for tamers
Half stat loss for pets. .5% per death, leave gain rate same
Leave stat loss at 1%, double skill gain rate (would promote more usage/dungeon activity IMO)
  • Optional: somehow find a way to fix skills not retraining for metas
Accelerate XP gain on meta steeds.

Incorporate bindings of devotion into stat loss prevention somehow?
Increase faction res to 50k

I strongly disagree with this unless you do what Bromista suggested and let non faction chars res for 5k!!! 5k is about right for a pet res! I know it seems very little at first but you got to realize that your pets die a lot in PVM situations, and you usually have two pets with you. That's 10k for their res when they die, then multiply that by a few times it happens a day and you can easily end up spending more on pet res than what you make on farming even with the 5k res cost. I have had many days when my pets died 10 times and I spent 100k for ressing them, this would be impossible again if a single pet would cost 50k! Pets also die a lot when doing champs, RDAs etc. making a res cost so much would almost be as punishing as the skill loss is now. I imagine pets die a lot less if all you do with then is actually PVP so maybe the 50k for faction chars IF non faction chars still get the 5k could be fine.

I think what @Bromista said in his first post here would be the perfect change, if anything I'm surprised this isn't how it was done the first time, the system right now seems backwards.


amazing u still have tears to cry how ur face not dry

yes, baby.

on topic:

remove the faction ress shit.

add that very same pet ress madness for everyone (at 5k). Factioners should not be able to use this NPC, though.

WOW !!! faction tamerz nerfed, goldsink in playce.. GREAT


What's the top 3 largest issues with bet skills/ pet skill loss right now?

I've heard about this issue for awhile, i know it's an issue, but i don't wanna remove pet skill loss totally for sure. HOWEVER if it's impossible to regain pet skills at a certain level then we will look at it for sure. Please post the issues, and how you would fix it

This has always been the problem.

Easy fix... make pet skills gain at the same rate players do.