What's your hourly UOForever wage?

Chesty Puller

if we talking regs, leather armor sets, pots, and bandages.. I'm fucking riiiccchh, because thats all i care about. Could use some more vanq hammers tho.


My Tamers income around 4-5 $ per hour
Fisher makes 2-3$ per hour
Champ-Spawn ~ 3-4$ per hour
T-Hunter made most profit up to 6$ per hour
with lev 1 maps only 3$ per hour


180k is 10$, so 30k is around 1.75$.
Exactly.. I make 30k in 20 minutes. One run through Destard takes about 20 minutes and at the end my Beatle has 30k on him. Equalling about 90k an hour. About $5 an hour.
But I don't farm that much these days...


Well but we have to compare
i saw first months Coins price was ~40k ~ 22$ per hour for a Tamer
next months 90-100k 10-11 $ per hour for Tamers
130k 2 month later
suddenly someone asked 150k ingame and Forums(got many flames btw)but then everyone else asked 150k and so on.