What the heck is this item?!



A guildie found this item, asked us what it was, there is absolutely no item name, and no tool tip.

No idea what to tell them, anybody got any ideas?

I asked around IRC, someone said it was from breaking a gem on a tinker, and that it's utterly useless.
Not sure I'm believing that, so I figured I'd signal boost this, and see if anyone else has a more definitive answer, googling has lead me nowhere, and nobody seems to know what it is.

Any help or suggestions are appreciated.
At this point, it's just a pile of purple cocaine on my table. haha
Thanks in advance everyone.


Definitely looks like gem dust, which also doesn't return a click. Don't know if you have to be a tinker to do it, but I have a nice mound of white on my desk.

I believe there's lich dust or something that looks like that too, but I believe that actually says something when you click it.

My thoughts on the gem dust would be to use it to color glass items and add more recipes to glass blowing, that'd be sweet.


Interesting, it makes for a nice deco item when used properly, wasn't sure if i was getting the run around on IRC or not, was mostly some guy trolling, but hey, what can you do.

Thanks for the serious reply, it's greatly appreciated, and hey, you learn something new everyday. I'll have to score a few extra colors and have a plethora on my cocaine table hahaha



Put a knife next to it for added effect, now if only i could find some sort of straw like deco, I'd be in business.


what if it actually does have a use... but no one has figured it out yet....

Shane wouldn't leave this item in just to fuck with us right?