What happens when you die?


New Member
Hi. I have looked around and the answer seems to be ... everything you're carrying that isn't blessed is dropped upon death. Is that how it is on this server?

Can anyone then loot you?

This includes everything you are wearing as well as carrying?



If it is not blessed or newbied, it stays on your corpse when you die. Anyone that loots your corpse will become criminal for two minutes.


And, the more direct answer to your question.... EVERYTHING, you are wearing or carrying in your back pack, can be looted upon your death.

The same applies to any pack animal you have also. Your pack horse, or beetle dies, it can be looted.

This is not a "server" distinction, but a game distinction. Welcome to UO!

Protect your wallet, and lock your doors!


New Member
Wow, I can see where playing this game would make one paranoid.

Thanks for the answers.

Last night I was attacked in Britain near the bank. I was not used to this, as I had always been "Young" before. I ran around and finally the attacker was killed by another player via fire bolt.

Could I have said "Guards!" and had this guy beaten? I had no chance of killing him myself.


Yes, when you enter most Towns you can see in the lower left corner of the screen the message:

You are now under the protection of the town guards.

and a similar one that you Left the protection

Even under protection you HAVE to call Guards!
So its no use being in protected areas but away from the computer, with a lot of stuff in your bag...

Spellbook and Runebook are blessed, and whatever itens you started the game with, which are tipically a shirt, pants, shoes, and one item based on the first skill u choose, and I think the only useful newbie item is any musical instrument.