What are good monsters and areas for a warrior to hunt?


New Member
My build is GM Mace, Tactics, Anatomy, Parry, Healing, Resist spells, and currently undecided on 7th GM, probably hiding. I just got my Phylactery of Resilience Talisman. I am currently saving for a quench or remedy relic. I would like to be able to hunt something that drops decent loot as well as helps level the talisman at a reasonable pace. So far all I have come up with is deep earth, iron, and paragon elemental that spawn there.

Is there a place, or few places that are best suited for melee characters? Somewhere challenging but not insanely hard to grind? I have no doubt that my skill is probably part of the issue, but it kind of feels like this is more of a tamer's game if you want to enjoy more high end pve. Is that true?


Hal Sono

New Member
Unless something has changed, you'll want your 7th GM to be Arms Lore, and a swamp dragon mount will give you additional damage reduction.

Hal Sono

New Member
You should be able to take Ogre Lords with no issue. Another option may be to find a tamer that will let you tag along with them on tougher mobs and you can smack the mob while their pets are holding aggro.