My memory is crummy, but weren't there wedding rings in the original coding of the game, or did that come out in T2A? I don't see the option to make it on my tinker
We did this one time had a wedding thing and all for two people.
They just quit after or did whatever with the blessed rings so we never did it again.
That's why that one place in moonglow is all set up
We did this one time had a wedding thing and all for two people.
They just quit after or did whatever with the blessed rings so we never did it again.
That's why that one place in moonglow is all set up
Damn They ruined it then. I met my wife on here, and we havent stopped playing
But what about just bringing back the gump to make "a wedding ring" to tinkers. I met Rachel on here, and we havent been apart since. Thats been two years now, and we just keep coming back for more UOF!
Probably dirty butt stuff that resulted in xrays .
It's a Catch-22 if you ask me. Everyone knows once you say, "I do" your life is over. No more UO time. Lesson to be learned here kids,don't get married!
Maybe make them so they aren't blessed Shane. Then if they want to bless them they can buy a jewelry bless deed.
I would never bless my wedding ring...don't tell my wife haha
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If I were you I wouldn't want her to know either. She might PK you to get it to disappear!
Damn They ruined it then. I met my wife on here, and we havent stopped playing
But what about just bringing back the gump to make "a wedding ring" to tinkers. I met Rachel on here, and we havent been apart since. Thats been two years now, and we just keep coming back for more UOF!