Veteran Awards on this server?

Just logged into my account after a 6+ month break. Saw that my main account turned 2 year last month and wondered if any goodies were available? I know previously the Veteran title was gained through the conquest menu which has since been removed.


None on this server. We did have a small "thank you" in the form of conquest (our previous achievement system) but it has since been disabled for the time being.


I think having some would be cool. I know there are a few items on the donation vendor that could be vet rewards as well. Like on old school OSI. Like - Black, Leather and Special dye tubs, Ethey mounts (only llama, horse etc, nothing fancy) Maybe some cool clothing items, clothing bless deeds. Stuff like that. One time items you can get after some many months/years playing.


Vet rewards were tied into the conquest system that is currently disabled. Should also note that on UOF, they aren't based off of your account age.. They are based on your game time logged in.


there are no vet rewards because having a f2p account isnt anything that need be rewarded.

also because its to easy to bypass the account limit.