Vendor spots are available at The Vesper Trading Company!
We have two high traffic lots and gates are provided daily from West Britain Bank. We do NOT charge rent for vendors!
Currently we are seeking the following types of vendors:
- BODs and BOD rewards
- Marked runebooks
- Botany / plants & seeds
- House decor & furniture
- Bulk ingots
- Bulk regs
- Skill Scrolls
- Power Scrolls
- If you are selling something not listed, just let me know!
Please have a defined type of item(s) you will sell. Please do not open a vendor with no idea of what you will be selling. We have had too many people open vendors saying, "I'll be selling misc. loot and magic items", only to find that nearly every single one of those people abandoned their vendors.
Initially I was very lenient with vendor stock but I do watch the vendors' inventories and unfortunately cannot renew any vendor that looks empty or abandoned. We have had too many of these vendors and they only take up space. Please keep some stock on your vendors!
Please reply here or PM me and I can get you setup
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