Various small questions

Elizabeth Gold

  1. Whats the decay timer for items lying on the ground?
  2. Is the decay timer affected by the weight of the item here? (on OSI I tried lumberjacking and ended up with a log stack of over 6.000 logs and didn't had the means to transport it back to town. It was still there the week after)
  3. Is there a server maintenance window?
  4. How can I know which faction is controlling which town?
  5. Does macing skill do extra damage to armor/shields here?
Thank you for your time!


Good morning, unfortunately I don't have all the answers to your questions but I shall try my best.

1. In my experience I would guess the decay time is anywhere between 2-5 hours seems to be the case when I leave junk items on the floor of my house.

2. No I don't think weight affects the decay time.

3. Server Save seems to be around everyone hour and takes approx 25-30 seconds, other maintenance we are informed either in-game or via the forums.

4. If you type [factions you will see all necessary information inside that gump/window that appears.

5. I cannot confirm it does more Dmg to weps/armor but playing a CTF the other day with my own armor on and a Macer stayed on me for a while because we were guildmates and our purple pots wouldn't hit eachother, needless to say we were both able to heal through eachothers damage but within that 2 minutes of fighting he decimated my armor.

Hopefully this helps a bit, if anyone can be more specific on points 1, 2 & 5 it would be much appreciated!


#5 - macing does deal more damage to armor/shields faster than other skills. Assuming you are using a metal mace -- wood mace weapons (staves) are not included here.

Elizabeth Gold

4. If you type [factions you will see all necessary information inside that gump/window that appears.

Small followup question, is that command only available for people inside factions because that doesn't do much for me. The underlying question is actually, which faction is the most dominant in terms of sigil ownership.

In addition, how do I join a faction (unguilded)? I keep getting the message I do not require the minimal requirements.


By far the most dominant holders of the Sigils is Minax.

Which is mainly populated by EQMS, I also believe you need to have a certain amount of skill points to join a faction.

I would also like to add, joining a faction will create a many PvP scenario and if you aren't into player v player you may want to rethink joining factions.

Here is a break down of the current factions/guilds in each faction.

Minax - EQMS(Very active PvP/PVM)

Shadowlords - Power(PvP)

CoM - SmG & Marley's Crew(PvP)

True Brit - $(PVM) & Marley's Crew(PvP)

That's about the quickest most explanatory break down.