UO Yard Sale!


Gotta do some cleaning, running out of storage room! Some stuff has a price, everything else is up for auction. Once a price looks good I'll end the auction for that item. I'm just trying to move things quickly, so toss out your best bid if you want to take something home. If a bidding war for an item exists, whoever gets to a number that I like first, wins.

-Metallic Red Robe Blessed and Marked
-Blaze Seahorse Statue (500k BO)
-Damaged Books (350k BO) SOLD
-Animated snowflake pinkish red (gift certificate reward) SOLD
-Clothed Female Vendor statue (SB 200k) SOLD
-Runebook dye tub (240k) SOLD
-Furniture Dye tub (240k BO) SOLD
-Invuln Suits (tons of invuln pieces, I can make whatever type of suit you want.. just tell me what ya want and how much ya payin)
-1 buccaneers hats
-1254 Sandals (TB purple)
-1160 Sandals Greenish coolish
-2 glacial staves
-6 ropes
-3 large dirty pans
-1 brown bear facing east
-1 stretched hide east
-10k of each reg (280k BO)
-2 Holiday Tree deeds
-Wax pot combo, Large Pot of Wax and small one.
-5k plat SOLD
-110 peace making PS
-115 carpentry PS
-Pure White Twig (from a white plant that died, white plants are near impossible to get, and the twigs are rare because everyone wants the plant and they make sure not to kill them, lol)
-8 alchemy SS
-10 peacemaking SS
-2 scribe SS
-6 fishing SS
-shit tons of large stone tables, both directions, 3k a pop.
-9k Dono Coins (170 per, all 9k for 160 per)

Once I sell something, it will be removed from this list.

If your bid is on here and the item hasn't been sold.. after a couple days.. that means you did not bid enough and may want to raise it.. I may put prices on here later for some of the stuff, but I don't feel like keeping up with an auction and making a bunch of rules.

It is simple, if you want something.. make me an offer and I may or may not accept it. I will probably let this run the rest of today to get some attention, and start selling things for offers that appeal to me on the morrow.

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Off to a good start, nice and honest bids.

I'll start completing sells here in a few hours when I get home.
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200k regs.

Dropped out of the snowflake race. just want the regs.
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Updated list! So far so good with my brand new "I don't give a fuck, I am lazy, take it or leave it" UO yard sale!!!!

Bear in mind I did throw up a couple SB's and BO's... Just because there is an SB doesn't mean anything though, I sell shit when I like the number! And just because there is a BO doesn't mean you can't still make an offer! (except the blaze seahorse, I really don't even want to sell that, I just wanted my yard sale to have a cool centerpiece) So you better throw me your best number... else when this is over, everything goes back to the garage to gather dust until next spring!!!! hahaha.

Also hey dono guy, I changed it to 160 if you buy them all, but you gotta buy all 5k!

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