UO forever robe auction


Put this up the other day got a lot of bids but it didn't go through.

Starting Bid 40,000 Donation Coins. Please post bid in here, Auction goes till 6PM Central Time Tuesday 1/28/2014.
Will take other trades but it must be a decent offer.
Will also take Half Donation Half Gold
will trade Robe and a Keep outside of Yew for castle.





This piece of garbage sold this robe to me 2 weeks ago for 20K donations, but never showed up to do the transaction. I was the only bided and offered his asking price. Then sends me a PM this morning that the current high bid was 39K donations and he would sell it to me for 40K. I told him to go #^$% himself. I really hope none of you are going to business with this guy. You’ll notice there are no public bids as there are no bids... I hate people like this who try and scam the price up. No integrity.
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This piece of garbage sold this robe to me 2 weeks ago for 20K donations, but never showed up to do the transaction. I was the only bided and offered his asking price. Then sends me a PM this morning that the current high bid was 39K donations and he would sell it to me for 40K. I told him to go #^$% himself. I really hope none of you are going to business with this guy. You’ll notice they're as no public bid as there are no bids... I hate people like this who try and scam the price up. No integrity.
Thanks for the heads up


Yeah. Right up there with people that buy bundle after bundle of dono coins due to their inability to put forth effort, thus flooding the server with increasingly over priced currencies and market values.


1 I never sold to Lexington ....... He was out bid. And was pissed, if u message me I'll take it and 10 seconds later I get better offer. Sorry buddy.

And 2.
The other deal never went down so I kept it......

3 Lexington is a noob who can suck it. Lol

Karl Sagan

So have this guy who is willing to pay double the going rate for this item post in here so interested people know this is a legit auction and not you trying to run the price up by making up some ludicrous number.

Shit man it's not like running an auction is hard to do.


1 I never sold to Lexington ....... He was out bid. And was pissed, if u message me I'll take it and 10 seconds later I get better offer. Sorry buddy.

And 2.
The other deal never went down so I kept it......

3 Lexington is a noob who can suck it. Lol

I was outbid.... really? If I was outbid where was the PM telling me I was outbid? You have no idea what I would have paid for that robe and you only cheated yourself. I am an honorable trader, ask those who have done business with me!

Like I said in the PM to you... if you want to honor the original deal I will remove my comments and apologize for the miss understanding.


you have already put up all that crap what do I care if you remove your posts lol..... and yea some dude offered 35k donation coins I told u 39 caz I wanted 40.............. either way lowest id go is 35K, last auction didn't go through caz he never messaged me back. Then I started working a deal for a castle with the robe and a keep I got. Plus after all this Lexington why do u need it anyways u claim u have 2 of them I think your just hurt that ur a noob and spent your whole pay check on donation coins and 20k just isn't enough. Also reason I didn't message back prob because I am busy almost every day of the week and when I logd on to here I believe there was like 10 messages from you. I don't have time for that.


also FYI Lexington there is no real auction system on here people take what ever they can get the most for a item. So sorry to hurt your feelings but if you win the bid and win and someone comes in right after that and will pay double.... Sorry.


hey all I was doing was giving u a option. seeing if you wanted it and you had to go and be a huge dick about it but its cool someone will pay me what I want for it.


plus after u talking all this crap why would I even sell it to you? hmm I wouldn't.

It’s all good... if 20k wasn't enough it's not enough. I probably would have given you 30 but not 35. My issue was it was in poor taste for you to PM me today. You are more than welcome to post our entire PM conversation if it will help you make your case?

I sure hope I didn't spend my whole pay check because my wife is going to be pissed... don’t tell :)

Karl Sagan

Bump for a classy seller who knows how to represent himself well!

GL on that castle deal, lol.

I'd take that 35k offer and run, if it was real. Who knows, it wouldn't be the first time someone paid double the value of an item.