The Takeover
1) Giantslayer's Tome - 15m.
Vesper hue
Repond Slayer
Was give as 1st prize for the GIANTS event!
The only 1 in existence.
2) An Eggceptional Spellbook - 10m
Fallon Hue
ALL Elemental Slayer
3) Zombie Enemy Number One - 12m ----- SOLD!------
Ice White Hue
Silver/Undead Slayer
Was given as 1st prize in the Zombieland Event
If you have questions or something you'd like to discuss feel free to PM me.
A fully leveled Meta Mage with these books would be unstoppable.
With the number of champ spawns you can run with these super slayer books they will pay for themselves.
(Will accept dono coins @ 165k:1k)
Prices slightly reduced and set as buyouts.
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