Unbless All Spellbooks


I think if they just incorporate craft-able slayer books that can drop that would be reasonable and normal spell books stay blessed. I mean you can't break down a spell book to get some resources back once it's made it's made so a player could spend a good portion of their day just crafting spell books to get a slayer. Then they have to fill it with all the missing spells. It's not like it would be a fire and forget macro to get these.

I think the best way to tackle people from getting benefits from multiple slayer books is to only get a benefit from an equipped spell book that is cast while equipped.

Or have something similar to Talismans that can be equipped and unequipped off to the side.

Or if you really wanted to add a new dynamic you could make Slayer necklaces that add slayer properties to spells and give jewelry some use. Inscription/Tink/Magery GM to have a chance of crafting slayer necklaces or rings.


I think the best way to tackle people from getting benefits from multiple slayer books is to only get a benefit from an equipped spell book that is cast while equipped.

FYI... if a slayer spell book is not equipped there is no added PVM bonus. Having it in your pack does nothing.


Has anyone REALLY sat and just thought, for even the slightest moment, that really any changes you genuinely want to implement, even if you're in favor of it, even if it's YOUR idea - something you envision as being nothing but advantageous for you, etc, will only inevitably lead to shit that you don't want to see? It's all about the balance. And it's pretty goddamn clear to even the most oblivious of people that this back and forth bullshit WILL NEVER END, until you just learn to accept shit as it is.

At this point, the only changes that should be seriously considered are those that don't ultimately alter one's game play that much - changes that deal with minor inconveniences and conveniences. The more you fuck with the very foundation of this game, as you're trying to do now, the more unstable that foundation becomes, jeopardizing the whole more and more until it finally collapses in on itself in one giant whiney explosion of raging fuckstickery.

I'm not saying this or right or that is wrong, this, that, whatever who cares some shit but it's pretty glaringly clear that certain shit should just NOT be messed with. Adapt. If this game is half as wonderful as so many of you claim it to be regarding the pvp, then it most certainly should be able to yield for you and everyone else enough diversity concerning game play and character development to get creative and just figure shit out.

If anything, if balance needs to be struck one way or another, shit needs to be reverted, not something new added in. It's just going to turn into some mile-high shitsock game of Jenga, getting sloppier and sloppier as it grows.

This is what's happening when you propose a major change - you're the one in the black. Shane and the GMs is the fella in the white.

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