Tweak Pet AI


I like using packs. When you have a pack of 5 pets they will not efficiently attack anything because the pet AI has a flaw that causes the 5th pet to pace around behind the pack for a few seconds before walking to the target.

I realize not a lot of people run packs (I know 1 other guy that does) but I still think it would be great if you guys tweaked this at some point when you have spare time (if that ever happens). I'm sure this AI bug effects all pets but is probably not nearly as noticeable to people who only use 2 pets at a time.

Kith kannen

I don't think it's AI related I think they have to have enough stamina to pass through to get to the target...I run 3 pets frequently and when I lore them when they are "wandering" they have less than max stamina...once they hit max they walk in 1 tile then attack.


The part that I think is an AI problem is the pet paces back and forth behind the other 4 until it decides to simply take 1 more step to be adjacent to the target. It will be 1 square away from the square that is adjacent to the target and then turn around and walk back to the other side; get 1 block away and then turn around and go back to the other side. I think it paces 2 or 3 passes each time.

Check it out. Tame 5 things and stick them on a troll or something. Watch what the 5th pet does.