WTS Trinsic Trading Company (TTC) Vendors Back in Business!!!

The orphans received all of these BODs. Check them out! Also stocked on Kegs, Recalls, EV scrolls, FS scrolls, full spellbooks, and others. The orphans are hard at work!
I don't know of any groups out there that don't utilize kegs and scrolls, and at these prices, if you don't already, you should! The orphans need your support. Take care of them and their hard work! A little bit of gratitude and appreciation shows a lot to them!
The orphans are not feeling the love and support from everyone as much as they used to. They are working hard and not getting anything shown to them to show your appreciation. Come on people...show them love!
The Orphans are doubling their efforts! Show your support for their rallying cry! They are back in full force creating the items that you need! Come visit us today!
Everyone listen up! There is a resurgence in the orphans efforts. We are working hard and diligently to help them out as well. Support their efforts and visit our shop!
You sad, sad people. Come and visit our shop. The poor orphans need to see your love! Show them that they are people too. Treat them to a tomato soup from the Keg and Anchor by buying their supplies!