WTT Trin House for Rent


Sup Clowns! I have this house and it's just sitting there so I am willing to rent it out to anyone who might want to try and do something with it. I'll co owner you to it, you can decorate however you want and then set up whatever you want. It currently is set up to be an auction house with everything set to go but we can change that around if you want........and if I feel like it. Benefits?

-It's right outside Trin.......you can see the city and its on the way to the moongate
-It gets the ladies wet, literally.....you have your own river with a bridge right outside
-It's stunning to look at because I am a master designer
-You get to work with one of the nicest mother fuckers on the server

that's really all the benefits........get at me if you are interested
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its a great idea, HOWEVER

i have to strongly recommend that people never do any deals like this, unless they take serious precautions not to bring any items that they aren't willing to lose.


its a great idea, HOWEVER

i have to strongly recommend that people never do any deals like this, unless they take serious precautions not to bring any items that they aren't willing to lose.

hey fucker, I have more money than I know what to do with and I don't give a shit about rares, decorations, etc. I'm trying to hook people up


Fixed for scammer alert.
I really hope nobody takes you up on your offer. Anybody who opens up a post with,"Sup clowns" then claims to be a nice guy is in my opinion the one who's the clown. Also all the obscenities isn't very good way to put yourself out there. Unimpressive...

Dwyane Wade

Placed this as my first house so I have a soft spot for it. Realllllly didn't wanna sell it but I needed the money at the time :/.

Hope it gets some use, hate running by here and seeing it just sitting there
Not very interested in Deco'ing someone elses house for free... but I would be interested in buying that plot from you. I would move my rune library there and make the plot more exciting for the server... let me know


Not very interested in Deco'ing someone elses house for free... but I would be interested in buying that plot from you. I would move my rune library there and make the plot more exciting for the server... let me know

I concur. I am interested in full ownership of the property itself.


Fixed for scammer alert.

Scammer? hahahaha........I used to hold contests on the forums giving away houses to new players and I was one of the original elders. I am the furthest thing from a scammer on this shard. If you are too afraid to get involved or too dumb to see the potential then don't bother replying.

Also, it isn't for sale. I wouldn't accept a castle as trade for it if that gives you any idea of my valuation.


hey fucker, I have more money than I know what to do with and I don't give a shit about rares, decorations, etc. I'm trying to hook people up

its a great idea, HOWEVER

i have to strongly recommend that people never do any deals like this, unless they take serious precautions not to bring any items that they aren't willing to lose.

Your reactions to this thread and choice of words, such as"Sup Clowns," "hey fucker...," tells me you are either arrogant or a pubescent child (or at the very least, you come off as such) no matter how altruistic your motives. There is nothing wrong with Wreck's comment; he/she is merely warning people about the possibility of getting scammed much like how you, as stated, helped newbies in the past. Who cares how much money you have...people still lie, cheat, and steal no matter their personal wealth. As much as I love Bayern Munich, their wealthy president just got convicted for tax evasion (a sum of 27m euros). Next time you want to enter some form of business arrangement with someone, you should consider your attitude; it may be helpful, not only in UO, but in life. Just some food for thought.


Your reactions to this thread and choice of words, such as"Sup Clowns," "hey fucker...," tells me you are either arrogant or a pubescent child (or at the very least, you come off as such) no matter how altruistic your motives. There is nothing wrong with Wreck's comment; he/she is merely warning people about the possibility of getting scammed much like how you, as stated, helped newbies in the past. Who cares how much money you have...people still lie, cheat, and steal no matter their personal wealth. As much as I love Bayern Munich, their wealthy president just got convicted for tax evasion (a sum of 27m euros). Next time you want to enter some form of business arrangement with someone, you should consider your attitude; it may be helpful, not only in UO, but in life. Just some food for thought.

hahahahaa.......this Bayern clown trying to give me business advice. Bandwagon much? (I'll take that back if you are actually German though and live in Munich)........sprechst du Deutsch? Anyways, I am arrogant as fuck and if people need someone like Wreck to tell them I might be a scammer then they aren't in a position to take up the offer anyways. I really don't care if someone takes me up on this or not, I was just trying to be a friendly gent. Think you might get scammed? move along. Want a solid and affordable business opportunity and are smart enough to see there is no risk here? Step right up. Want to keep white knighting a thread that doesn't require it? also, move along.