Treasure Hunting with Efficiency


I am having trouble with finding my treasure locations. I purchased a Davies locker, when I put my maps in, under coordinates sections I get actual 51N 70E. When I look at your screenshot I see under cords it shows the rune book/map number to the location, am I doing something wrong? Also..I vendor searched for treasure rune book location and found a vendor selling a bunch of books covering maps # 1-200 for 20 million gold, I thought this would be I purchased the books. Come to find out, that 4 of the books are empty, AND when I finally matched up a map by Coordinates, I recall to the location and its not even close to the location. I also tried using that link that was posted of the World map and you click on the area that your map is located to find the corresponding Map number. I did actually find the area of my map...but there is no treasure pin where my map shows! I am having a really hard time and hoping anyone can offer some helpful advice. Thanks.


Ouch... 20 million? You got hooped my friend, those sets sell for about 250k - in fact I've got a couple left for sale, that I never got around to selling. I'm impressed that you've spent about 37 million in getting set up for Tmaps - it's really not necessary, but the Davies locker can help a ton. I haven't used one, but I'm told it tells you the actual tmap location that corresponds to those tmap runebooks, numbered 1 - 200. Maybe someone with a Davies can show screen shots and point it out.


Yea, I don't get the actual Map # from Davies..I get actual coordiantes, like 51N 70E which I find on the map and using a sextant...but am still having trouble finding anything.




The Davies Jones, if you decode your map, shows the map number which corresponds to the rune book set. Mibs only show co-ordinates..

Also hit me up on Discord, and we can talk further.. AreYouKidden#0403


Ill take a screenshot tonight...I put a treasure map in the locker, and where yours says MAP #...I have coordinates


@Hoopah I've just been informed there are 2-3 tmap locations that are bugged, and they provide the co-ordinates, instead of the actual map location. You may have one of those maps..