WTB top end death beetle.


looking for very high end stat death beetle. paying top dollar. please show me a screen shot of the stats here and I will let you know if interested.

De Medici

A top end db has 120 poisoning. The skill cap varies and the poisoning is more important then the stats. Its the kicker of his damage

I have one with 120.2, decent stats and trained. I can give you the details tomorrow.
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Last I knew, the poisoning skill on a DB was just as worthless as they are on other pets. All that skill does is allegedly make it more possible to cast poison on high-end paragons. It works in a similar way as to how a nox mage would get a bonus to his poison spell casting abilities.


A top end db has 120 poisoning. The skill cap varies and the poisoning is more important then the stats. Its the kicker of his damage

I have one with 120.2, decent stats and trained. I can give you the details tomorrow.
Incorrect. Poisoning skill means next to nothing.

Poisoning by a death beetle is an ability. It hits for deadly poison every time with a small chance to lethal poison. The only thing the actual poisoning skill effects on a beetle is casted poison.

The stats make the death beetle, most important of which are high hits an dex.


me and trixa....... we tested things out YEARS ago, I play the game enough to KNOW what has been tampered with or changed over the most recent time my knowledge was put to use

bromista, please let them believe in what they believe to what really matters when it comes to winning, thanks


I got one from a friend. Well if you can call peav that. Anyway sorry guys thank you for posting I didn't mean to waste your time.