To make the Living in UO more attractive.


i dont understand the problem of some ppl..

wtf is the problem if instead just a polar bear mask , we have a "volcanic bear mask" and a "ocean vodoo mask" to drop?
whats the problem if we get a "inferno staff" other then a ice staff..
or if we get CHARCHORAL colored statuette.. or if we get some other fucking colors rares?

or if we can get this cyclic? so alittle market at least will..keep alive?and farmers have something for farm..and pks..have some target in dungeons..and blues pkk too..

i dont think this make the game for pvpers or pks worst..

and it make better for farmers..

so.. THIS is not confutable:

adding more shit:

= more things to farm for : tamers\bard--> they have target\fun
= for pks= more ppl farming dungeon..more chance to get some kill --> more fun
= for who dont care pk or farming rares = NO CHANGES

so not bad for NO ONE .. just something that make a big slice of UO player..who are not interested in pvp\pk to keep playing..

cause you know, when you have all, usually you quit. and its a mine idea...just facts.

sorry for my bad english, but i hope my idea is explained..:)


:-( yea it showed that it makes no sense to say Suggestions..

Sometimes its just better to say Suggestions in the right moment.

So everything will be fine.
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I am glad they added rugs to the vendor and not as individual tiles. Can you imagine the mess of rug tiles on vendors, in banks and secures, and in peoples already poorly slapped together custom houses? Eyesores and lag is all that would have come out of rug tiles, well that and additional items to farm for which we do need.

We do have a lot of new, runes, crystals and all that. But more deco/rare drops on mobs and even just switching up where mobs spawn would go a long way to add flavor to farming kinda like when changes were made to Fire and Hythloth. That was great, new, and exciting....for a couple weeks. More frequent dungeon changes would be welcome!

Changes are already coming for PvP and that is good. But too muc of a good thing can be bad too. Frequent and dramatic changes for PvP would be a death sentence for any server. Frequent and dramatic changes for PvM would keep things interesting for any server.

And honestly even just adding new items to donation vendor like rugs still servers a similar purpose...even if the mobs and drops are still the same as before you can never have too many reasons to farm which is ultimately what this post is about.

It's not iust about adding specific drops to specific mobs. It's about overall incentive to get out there and acquire some shit...whatever it takes. Making that happen would be quick and easy. Making that happen doesn't need to involve major overhaul of any mechanics/changes to PvP. Making that happen hasn't gotten quite enough attention IMO.


Ok it seems all will changing to the best :)
Its shows that is sometimes just needs some Word's so see both Side's.

So lets rock n roll.
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No I get exactly what this post is and I agree with you! I think you focused too much on the examples I used. I only mentioned them as steps in the right direction that could be expanded on... like the RDA's and items associated with the legendary hammer. Those were good, but not good enough. And speaking of that stuff I think it was a good thing they did a slow roll-out of those items and ways to use them. If they dumped all the content on us at once I'm afraid the interest would have died out quickly.

A nice balance of a few massive rares but also a lot of minor rares/valuables would go a long way to retain peoples interest. Not just for farmers but the people farming the farmers as well.

I do think rug tiles would contribute to lag a little bit. Mostly they would be eyesores but the more items the worse it has to be right? In order to do the rug tile thing you're talking about a lot of individual locked down items to get the same effect as one placeable rug item regardless of the number of tiles. This would cause more lag wouldn't it? I'm not 100% on this stuff.

So overall good idea, we need some more collectibles and incentives to farm. Definitely more of that, whatever it takes.



The more diverse it gets, the more entertainment we have. Do it! T2A will be a great place to hunt as well... more places = more ppl able to hunt at the same time ;)


I'm all about random drops on MOBs! We used to do blood cloth on blood elementals etc.

Good suggestion!