Thief harassment in Britain crafting area


Terrible skill... PFFFFT.. Don't see many comics or movies about crafting classes, do you?

Iron - Man - Armor smith

Not one....

Every Lego Movie Ever!!! -

Batman - Come on!!!!

Big Hero 6 - All about building

Back to the future - Co - Star Crafter

Honey I shrunk the kids - Main Char - Crafter

Cloudy with a chance of meatballs- Main Char was a crafter

Robots - Wanted to REBUILD robots of all types might concede to calling him a healer. but still a movie about crafting.

Just a couple.


Terrible skill... PFFFFT.. Don't see many comics or movies about crafting classes, do you?

Iron - Man - Armor smith

Not one....

Every Lego Movie Ever!!! -

Batman - Come on!!!!

Big Hero 6 - All about building

Back to the future - Co - Star Crafter

Honey I shrunk the kids - Main Char - Crafter

Cloudy with a chance of meatballs- Main Char was a crafter

Robots - Wanted to REBUILD robots of all types might concede to calling him a healer. but still a movie about crafting.

Just a couple.

Well damn.. I stand corrected.. Maybe the reason I never found them is because I never looked. Holding my hands up here, wrong again...

However, stealing is not a terrible skill :(

EDIT : Without removing, I meant Ultima Online comics etc.
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I think the issue is that there is no "risk" for thieves, only reward. While the crafter is risking his valued items, the naked thief is risking nothing. If a thief had to carry...say even a thieves kit costing 1k each that broke upon use, then each death/attempt would mean something.


I think the issue is that there is no "risk" for thieves, only reward. While the crafter is risking his valued items, the naked thief is risking nothing. If a thief had to carry...say even a thieves kit costing 1k each that broke upon use, then each death/attempt would mean something.

I'd agree with you about the no risk if there were no safe zones to trade in, however, just like meta-pets, there needs to be risk involved crafting at the smithy.

Or you can use a beetle and risk nothing.

Is this thing even on?

Posting solutions usually brings upon a case of situational deafness..Or blindness in this case.


Harr harr!
It's good man. Got married, got a kid and a cat. You know, the usual stuff. You? :)

Thinking I might make a small come-back, could be fun playing an odd hour here and there! :)

Bloody hell, you have been busy.. Fair play on ya and congrats!. Yeah come back, you don't need to dedicate your entire existence to here *not as though you can anymore*, you can join the casual club *That actually might make a good guild name!*, a thief allows us to be extremely casual.

As for me, apart from getting everything wrong around here lately, life is good the majority of the time. Got kids myself, another in the process of being designed *giggles* and obviously trying to limit the fallout of this brexit decision. But yeah, life is good. Good to see you again.