So i was thinking of a idea for a Event while watching a movie of course (The Purge) and wondered if something like this could happen (Not only in RL) but also UOF. For x amount of time make all Guard zones active for pvp and i know people are already asking (But what about the people who don't want to take part of the Event?) Well for those who have not seen the movie during the Event or "Purge" people who did not want to participate in the "Purge" stayed inside there houses. For UOF of course there is always the docks but i feel that by doing this might get people more involved with pvp or pking. Im sure 80% or more of All the blue players on here have a red alt or two or three and for the ones that do not maybe it will get them interested to see how it feels to make a red char and just have utter chaos on people. Yes i miss server wars!