The new RDA system.



Yes this is what we call experience. It's something you use to gauge how valuable someone's opinion is on an issue. Granted, it's not the only thing to consider, but it's more important than someone's ability to troll serious discussions then expect their opinions to have any merit whatsoever.

The reason I've done hundreds of RDAs is because I've spent the majority of my game time in the past year to finding/running/raiding them. I've been a solo, small group, and large group RDA runner. I've made mils from selling relics and 120 tames from RDAs as evident by my sell thread history (talk to buyers, most of their names are listed publicly on the threads). I've raided, fail raided, been raided before. I've tracked for hours and ran up on them accidentally.

Also important to note, I don't even run RDAs anymore. I think the current version is too easy to find, which takes away the fun of finding them with the old system. Originally I thought the new system was tough (because of bugged locations I didn't know ab at the time) , but the pattern has shown it's far too easy, with them typically being found/ran within 30m-1hr of popping.

From what I understand, eppy wanted RDAs to be easier to find for more people to run them. Unfortunately, this change has only given the people that already ran them an easier route to do so. Average joes just get killed by those RDA guilds' Pokemon/reds upon stepping foot inside.

At least the old system rewarded people who put a little time in tracking. Solo and small groups (avg joes) had the chance to run these RDAs. Now it's just about who has more PvP tamers. But yeah @wreckognize feel free to chop this up too, and plz tell us more about what you think RDAs should be like. Based on all three you've "ran into while looking for stealable rares."


Just because you don't do RDAs anymore doesn't mean you don't want other guilds to reap the rewards you've had and get the leaderboard fame you've earned. Maybe you aren't biased about RDAs but you're certainly biased against me as a person for my comments about your mates. So evidence points that your opinions are subject to your personal bias, and thus they are less valuable. But do go on.

I think RDA's are supposed to be a fun, non-factor event that was added for every players enjoyment. Not something that was added to be actively sought out, dropping mass 120 taming ps or relics or cried over constantly on the forums. I'm being attacked here by you and your alliance members here on the forums now simply for pointing out that asking staff for information about RDAs via private message is the same thing as asking him to confirm the spawn timer on your favorite stealable rare, based on a ''hunch''

like oops, looks like this 5 day stealable is a bug, because it's not a week or two weeks like maybe it should be? Better dial up the developer. Give your heads a shake.

The OP clearly says that he wants the RDAs to be less scheduled only so a few bigger guilds can't find them as easily. But then how is that fair exactly, and how does that even make sense? If people have to put in more work, don't you think that defeats the intended purpose of the recent changes?? Will more average joes be finding them then? It's ridiculous.

I guess in many ways I've always been biased against the RDAs here because IMO they were always built around tamer ownership. Maybe one of the bosses is able to be taken down without use of a tamer? You can't even fish whirlpools without a tamer or equivalent 3 accounts multiclienting anymore, and forget about champs or the arch deamon, tamers just doin all the damage there too so they get the good stuff while everyone else is basically just doing the work like slaves. It's the only reason tamer relics are worth as much as they are, because it's the only way to get the good stuff. Now tell me, how does that all fit in with showing average joes a good time??

RDAs were supposed to be like woah, im walking through this forest and this gate pops up in the middle of nowhere. I go inside, the gate closes behind me and I'm in some weird lost dungeon. There's nostalgic references and the loot is great if I can manage to get out alive. In other games where there's random special encounters like fallout1/2 you don't often need to be a powergamer to get some loot, and I don't think it was intended to be like that here when the idea first came up. And I don't see why it should be.

RDAs turned out to be a jumble of different things twisted into one system, a faction/champ frenzy/RDA thing that really just takes people like T^C away from regular champs where they could be helping defend average joes against the greedy $ guild and their pixel lust. But I do think in all fairness that any change should linger for a while to give everyone a chance to enjoy it and not just a certain few. I've always been against system changes happening too quickly. I don't need to be an RDA expert to have an valuable opinion on this topic at all.

a magical man

I get it but if you want everyone to have a chance and you want everything to not be exploitable I suggest remake the RDA system, making it bigger, longer, more risk, as in more rewards, not higher quality rewards. Chance for something nice should be very low and random. A gate for every RDA spawns once a day or two at bank or inside a dungeon for say dungeon of the week. Now you have everyone participating, not whining and being rewarded evenly upon participation. Not only do you have more participation and less complaints, you have a steady flow of players through towns and dungeons. With this being say if someone does find a way to cheat you have half the shard watching.

So first comes first.

1. Remove current RDA system.
2. Remake the RDA's even harder and bigger (more space, land).
3. Remove current rewards in RDA's.
4. Implement more rewards and less quality rewards. (not completely useless though)
5. Chance of a rare or nice quality reward is 1%. (120s, statue of boss, artifact, whatever you have in mind.) 1 person per a Eventful RDA benefits.
6. RDA gate will spawn either inside dungeons or at banks, (not all banks). (not same dungeon, maybe dungeon of the week system).
7. Mounts in RDA.
8. Teleporting in RDA.
9. Can leave or enter RDA being criminal or red.
10. Stealing in an RDA dismounts you and cannot trade item or drop it.
11. Now you got half the shard in a participating event about 3 times a week or more, scouting and having dun through towns and dungeons, people will be less to exploit and caught if doing so. People will be happy with their rewards. People will not be fucked over.
12. Make sure the all rewards are given out randomly, not to highest damage, not to longest participant. If you are there, killing, you have a chance. Everyone should get at least one benefit.
13. Now this brings me to another detailed benefit. You have portal gems, having a portal gem on you, stealable increases your chance of a higher quality reward, the more you have the better. Every RDA gives out 3 gems. with these gems they can be stolen in the RDA, when the boss dies, gems are disposed and your reward is given upon disposal.
14. Now you have a perfect system right here, it isn't to hard to make, not to easy, and very simple for everyone including staff.

@Shane @JoeB @Adam


right now yes $ guild is stomping the RDA scene sure, but it's only a matter of time before the people they fight get better and start getting the rewards. you cant penalize a guild just because they got good from practice. I don't see any problem with the new system and I agree spawning your own RDA should be a reward for being good at doing the public RDAs.

Just spawn RDAs in the newbie dungeon so messyroom can do them on his alt young account
We are doing just fine with the current system, $ owns the day times, we get the nights, works out well for us. if you just want to see me any my alliance getting richer staff should just leave it like it is. i want change for 2 reasons; 1. RDAs are high reward, and that used to be balanced by the difficulty in finding them, that is no longer there. 2. RDAs used to be find-able and doable by anyone who was dedicated enough to do them. i have said it over and over, i started out with a level 5 pet, and 3 friends, and we had lots of fun doing RDAs casually. now RDAs cater to who is in the know on the locations, and has the most active tamers. no need for dedication, and no room for small groups to get in.

also LOL at me using young accounts, feel free to have the staff investigate me. hell tag shane in this thread and have him post my accounts. i got 3... yup.

i think you just throw out random accusations against me cause it really bugs you that i got rich playing by the rules, while you did it through exploiting.

thanks for the attention buddy, they always say you can judge someone based on their enemies, you make me look amazing.


so how long exactly did you keep your 3rd account in young status to farm hair restyle deeds for your vendors? hmm??


thanks for the attention buddy, they always say you can judge someone based on their enemies, you make me look amazing.

how flattering


sweating nervously

called out. responded. I'm less than convinced. after all I've seen your playstyle. You'll dodge something relevant like my comparison between asking staff for RDA information and asking staff for stealable item information. But then come back listing all of my weaker points.

regardless, It's hard to understand your point about the RDAs.. You say that the reward is based on the difficulty finding them, and that now that people have spent the time to find them, the rewards should be less because they have some idea where they might spawn so there could be balance issues in the economic structure because of it?

So would you not also agree that your alliance is classless for having spent the time to find them before, and knowing where they were going to spawn (dont tell me that confirmation of it being intended didn't help you get a few extra or a bit less difficulty), continued to rake in the rewards for it for apparently hundreds of times??


called out. responded. I'm less than convinced. after all I've seen your playstyle. You'll dodge something relevant like my comparison between asking staff for RDA information and asking staff for stealable item information. But then come back listing all of my weaker points.

regardless, It's hard to understand your point about the RDAs.. You say that the reward is based on the difficulty finding them, and that now that people have spent the time to find them, the rewards should be less because they have some idea where they might spawn so there could be balance issues in the economic structure because of it?

So would you not also agree that your alliance is classless for having spent the time to find them before, and knowing where they were going to spawn (dont tell me that confirmation of it being intended didn't help you get a few extra or a bit less difficulty), continued to rake in the rewards for it for apparently hundreds of times??
LOL please page in on me abusing young accounts to mass produce hair restyle deeds, i cant wait to hear what staf says about that. lol

you keep acting like we haven't been telling staff that the new system has issues from the start, yes we continued to use it cause it was all that we had to work with but we have not been the least bit shady about it. and yes we are reaping rewards from this currently too easy system. so is $ guild, but you wanna call us shady for having pointed out the issue to staff?

you really must love me man, never had someone make up so much delusional crap to try and impress me.


Just be honest with yourself. You're the type to ask staff to fight your battles, not me. I'm not about to ask staff to investigate someone I can kill 1v2 anytime and even if I couldn't I wouldn't ask staff for anything.

You wanted punishment for RDA loggers yet it was never against the rules and it was on staff imo for not fixing it after several reports due to a lack of policy on risk/reward and removal of broken systems. How are people supposed to know that being able to predict RDAs is illegal if they're just going to make it scheduled and essentially the same thing as logging off inside and waiting for it to spawn?

But no no, you still wanted blood, now you're saying it's ok to milk RDAs in the same manner even though it's bad for the economy? classy. They probably made it scheduled just so you could catch up to the loggers, now you're mad because $ gets the same as you got rofl.

It's only been a short time since the latest RDA update and there's other content I'd like to see developed before any more RDA changes, but go ahead and keep PMing staff pushing for changes like everything you do is urgent. I'm sorry I'm not allowed to express my opinions in your guilds threads. The more you speak the more you expose yourself and its fun for me.


lol honestly, the best part is when mess calls me her enemy. I'm not messys enemy just not in her guild I guess. yet the truth is she always comes to bromistas aid whenever we forum pvp. And the only reason I forum pvp with bromista in the first place? because he went on a rage spree some time ago de-railing other players suggestions so I stepped in, and mess supported him 100% in doing so.

If you're not on these guys team they could care less about you, or the shard in general. I've seen them at RDAs, they tuck themselves in the corner and roll theives, watching other players die to $ without helping then dying themselves afterwards.


Just be honest with yourself. You're the type to ask staff to fight your battles, not me. I'm not about to ask staff to investigate someone I can kill 1v2 anytime and even if I couldn't I wouldn't ask staff for anything.

says the guy who makes more stupid post reports than any 3 others combined.

You wanted punishment for RDA loggers yet it was never against the rules and it was on staff imo for not fixing it after several reports due to a lack of policy on risk/reward and removal of broken systems. How are people supposed to know that being able to predict RDAs is illegal if they're just going to make it scheduled and essentially the same thing as logging off inside and waiting for it to spawn?
you obviously know nothing about the situation, guilds like $, Power, and Pot found out about the logging out in RDA bug and abused it for months, when MT bowl (the guy i caught using it) got mad at coon for being better at the exploit than him, he turned them all in to staff, and was rewarded, while all those he told on got punished. staff tried to fix it, but did not know how people were finding these spots. MT however was able to find more of these "logout spots" and so continued to abuse the very bug he was rewarded for turning others in for. we caught him using it and reported it (originally we thought it was $). MT (someone who knew it was a bug and had been rewarded for turning people in for abusing it) was given a 2 day jail on an alt account as his only punishment. I then helped eppy figure out how people were finding these locations, and helped him check to make sure they had it fully fixed.

But no no, you still wanted blood, now you're saying it's ok to milk RDAs in the same manner even though it's bad for the economy? classy. They probably made it scheduled just so you could catch up to the loggers, now you're mad because $ gets the same as you got rofl.

i have said I don't like how easy it is, even for us, we just got another relic and a 120 PS from a RDA that took 20 min to find, i don't agree with this and think it should be changed. but i am not going to stop doing it just cause staff doesn't agree with me, RDAs are one of the only things i enjoy in this game right now. also $ guild can keep doing what they are doing, i have only ever complained about their use of multi client PVP, and i have advocated us making our own solutions to them. that's why i have a new PVP tamer that's almost finished.

It's only been a short time since the latest RDA update and there's other content I'd like to see developed before any more RDA changes, but go ahead and keep PMing staff pushing for changes like everything you do is urgent. I'm sorry I'm not allowed to express my opinions in your guilds threads. The more you speak the more you expose yourself and its fun for me.

the only person exposing anything is you mate. the tinfoil in your hat is showing through will all these wild conspiracies. if staff wants us to handle things differently wouldn't they tell us. or are you claiming you speak for staff now?

the maturity of your posts shows which of us is actually intelligent and honest, please keep on making yourself look crazy man.


reported for derailment lawl!!!

You are the one derailing my thread.. I don't even know who you are lol do you play here? Also you said the OP which is me, called for less scheduled rdas? Where is that in my post.... there is nothing wrong with the time frame. Your cries are for attention. Please make a WTB anyone's attention thread and refrain from derailing mine anymore.


You are the one derailing my thread...

clearly you are responsible for your own threads derailment. That's just what happens when you reply to every post that disagrees with you.

If you post threads on the forums, be prepared to hear opinions from both sides and use them constructively, rather than calling down anyone who opposes your personal opinion on the subject.

Also things like ''I didnt even call YOU into MY thread'' You don't own the thread just because you posted it.

TBH tagging staff and PMing them with your suggestions makes me think that you have a strong sense of entitlement, so I have to take that into account when I look at any of your suggestions, that they probably suit yourself more than the server. As long as you want to project that image of yourself then good luck having everyone agree with your opinions for system changes on a public forum.