The grotto


Here is my first experience with the grotto.

You cant get there except by boat.
You cant use mounts.
You can mark runes on the dock, but cant recall there. Thats a real fucking dick move.
You cant gate out.
The spawn is way fast.
There is no where to rez.

No wonder its a ghost town. Worthless content is worthless.


Yeh. That. Takes 3x longer to get there and sell loot and back than it does to actually collect the loot. The investment doesnt even begin to equal the reward.
No wonder its a ghost town. Worthless content is worthless.

Not every dungeon needs to be designed with power gold farming in mind.

I like the fact that there's something different out there, and also less travelled. If all you care about is gold per hour, then yes it's not for you. Our guild on the other hand does group hunts there just to mix it up and just for fun.

I agree some kind of boss mob or something might make it a bit more exciting, but it's threads like this that discourage devs from giving us any original content whatsoever.


Listen to this Scallywag fellow, his bright red beard tells me he has wisdom. Or he has some crippling disease. Either way, he's my kind of fellow!

Casey Anthony

No mounts significantly reduces your chances of being fucked with by others. When you're new and your group keeps getting pked, grotto isn't so bad, and as mentioned above it provides a change of scenery for guild hunts.
For rezing, bring an alt with hiding and magery or healing, maybe even a beetle for less bank trips. Leave your boat one screen away from the docks, and that solves your recalling problem, when you return from banking/restocking, dock the boat. The grotto is not the best, but it is not worthless.
Leave your boat one screen away from the docks, and that solves your recalling problem, when you return from banking/restocking, dock the boat. The grotto is not the best, but it is not worthless.

Good call, don't think a lot of people realize you can recall from your boat like a screen away...

Alternatively you can sail basically straight south to Serpents Hold Bank and bank even right from your boat. Its like a 3 minute sail, just enough time to go grab another cocktail or pack your pipe, whichever you prefer.


how about a grotto or asylum rare mount that is 1 or 2 slots you can mount and that is a pack animal, and still have enough room for other pets so you could stay and farm until 40-50k gold instead of 8k..... just a nice idea to also add two new mounts to make use of two areas. currently a blue beetle is 3 slots to carry 1100 stones.


how about a grotto or asylum rare mount that is 1 or 2 slots you can mount and that is a pack animal, and still have enough room for other pets so you could stay and farm until 40-50k gold instead of 8k..... just a nice idea to also add two new mounts to make use of two areas. currently a blue beetle is 3 slots to carry 1100 stones.
Asylum is fine, I make more gph there than you can anywhere else farming.

Grotto just needs to make it so boats can enter, then you can use your boat to farm stacks of loot on it and sail it out, also would make another hot spot for boat pvp

Edit: asshat, if you don't wanna have to leave the asylum so often just bring a bonded pack horse.