The "End the Docks Trading" Thread


Hand of God

Was ended because people are too stupid to differentiate between an opinion and a fact. "This would be bad because thieves would ruin the server" - OPINION. "There are MULTIPLE BANKS AND CITIES IN UO TO TRADE IN" - FACT

I fail to see how some people's dumbass opinions matter SO much that we DRASTICALLY CHANGED AN ASPECT OF THE GAME. The FACTS ARE:

Thieves are/were a part of UO
If you sit at Brit Bank with valuables, it will probably get stolen
Their are plenty of other banks and areas to trade in
You can recall to 50% of the towns on UOF RIGHT NOW and see ZERO people
Taking away the safe trading area would force people to THINK before they traded

This server has done a lot right, but this was FLAT OUT wrong.

Oh, and please feel free to check my accounts, I do not, and have never, played a thief.



1) disable all the trade at docks brit
2) add a safe trade area , you PAY X GOLD to enter, you can stay X minutes, then kiked off.

so ppl use docks to fight, and trade area not a banksitting zone, and if u dont want to spend more, u make trade out of there (like 50k?)


Disallow trading at docks and it will require HEAVY tweaking of thief mechanics as they are wicked imbalanced in favor of thievery.

Docks + OP thieving mechanics = pretty balanced if you ask me. Thieves can still be very successful here, take away the docks you disturb the balance.

Since it's not enough to just say remove safe trading zone and would require several major changes to stealing to bring the balance back...I say it's easier to just leave the docks in place and let staff work on more important things.
It looks like my topic is getting a lot of interest -- I'm really not quite sure why my original post was closed as I feel that this is a good topic that should be discussed.

Having said that, I personally do not think that thief mechanics are imbalanced at all -- I don't see anything being overpowered and everything looks to be working as intended. Honestly, I think that unless you are ABSOLUTELY meticulous about setting up your trade, checking for thieves, revealing, tracking, whatever -- you deserve to have your item stolen. It shouldn't be easy.


i will say that the number of shitty reg thieves on this shard are ridiculous.. they have completely ruined Yew gate for thieves that don't care to ruin shopper's times til they actually have something worth stealing..

at any given time at brit bank or yew gate, if you cast reveal or detect, 3-4 thieves will scatter like roaches.. they aren't even smart about it..

..but yes. end the docks.


and i think that killing bank access at the docks would be enough.. if you had to take the item from the bank to the docks, i think that would work.. personally.


Alot of trams on this server.

I actually prefer transactions by vendors. Safe and easy, but still gives a no lifer like Asan the ability to camp for 3 days to try and thieve the item whilst forgoing food and sleep.

win - win.


For all of the people citing how hardcore they were into UO, and how it was a cutthroat time to play, and how they'd love to be able to loot houses because secures are for noobs, there sure are a lot of people that seem to have "forgot their roots" (if those roots ever truly existed). Trades used to occur at lower population towns or on vendors. It required patience and a bit of forethought to safeguard yourself -- Is this person a thief? Is there an alt thief or a friend he has set up on this trade waiting to screw you over? Is this person known to be untrustworthy?

People now seem to wax nostalgic about the "times they miss" when conveniences like 100% secure trades and 100% secure homes did not exist, yet cry out for the convenience (that's what it is, a luxury not in the original game) of 100% secure trades at the docks. They have "played this game for so long" that they feel entitled to security that the original vision of this game did not provide.

People need to remember that thieves at WBB were a thing since the incarnation of UO, and lasted until the installment of insurance. In the original UO, you did not even need to join the Thieves Guild to steal from other people. You could make a 50.0 Stealing guy, run to WBB, and steal to your heart's content -- normally ending up riding the business end of a guard's halberd. The lesson here, of course, is that people adapted to the tactics being employed and for one, did not keep valuables on them at the bank, and two, did not make valuable trades without taking the proper security measures.

The crux of the matter is the laziness of today's UO player. They would rather have the luxuries of modern MMOs instead of having to put a little bit of effort to protect themselves. News flash -- You are not special. You are not untouchable. You are not invincible. Every person here has seen a grey screen during their UO career. Every person here has had something valuable stolen from them during their UO career.

Do you choose to learn from it?

Hand of God

Thieves are ruining yew gate? That is an OPINION. A fact is YOU ARE TO (lazy, insert word here) to use a tracking hotkey.
Seems like a lot more people are in favor of removing the Docks than those protecting it. At least judging by this thread and the other... GMs should let us vote on this and make it a reality.
Disallow trading at docks and it will require HEAVY tweaking of thief mechanics as they are wicked imbalanced in favor of thievery.

Docks + OP thieving mechanics = pretty balanced if you ask me. Thieves can still be very successful here, take away the docks you disturb the balance.

Since it's not enough to just say remove safe trading zone and would require several major changes to stealing to bring the balance back...I say it's easier to just leave the docks in place and let staff work on more important things.
Thieves are not OP here. Its how it was back in the day. Its still all about the weight of the item and even then if in guardzone the chances of getting away with it are minumal.


Thieving is a valid playstyle that has had 0 impact on me or how I play the game. However, I can think of three important mechanics that are not the same as they used to be:

Insta bank - everyone knows you couldn't do this
Insta stealth - everyone knows you couldn't do this
Guard whacks - used to be much riskier to steal in town

Again, thieves can still be very successful in thievings current state so I don't see the problem with a steal-free zone. The problem here is the lack of creativity of thieves and lack of willingness to have to "work" for a high value theft. The problem is a lack of willingness to leave town.

If a thief doesn't wanna put the time or effort in to seek out a high-value target then they should be forced to steal the low-hanging fruit like regs and such.


The only reason I dislike the fact that its a safe zone is because it reminds me of how we're all too immature to be able to 1v1 in the feild properly anymore.

Solution to docks problem; make it a non safezone, and somehow program the players to care enough to retaliate against dishonorable activity there.

Drake Roberts

The only reason I dislike the fact that its a safe zone is because it reminds me of how we're all too immature to be able to 1v1 in the feild properly anymore.

Solution to docks problem; make it a non safezone, and somehow program the players to care enough to retaliate against dishonorable activity there.

Believe it or not.. Even with the shitty type of people UO typically has in it's population.. this is how it always was back in the day on OSI.. I remember there being player driven respect and rules.. Like yew roof duel spot back in the day.. People respected the fact that it was a dueling zone.. There was no need for the GM's to make that area a "safe zone". It was player enforced. Or how no one used to use pots in 1v1 pvp.. If you did, you became blacklisted as a "chugger" and no one would ever give you any respect or a fair 1v1 fight.

I really wish that players of the population would take it upon themselves, more often, to change things within the game.. rather than always crying for changes here on the forums.. Suggestions that help add content and remove broken systems in the game are one thing, but the constant barrage of QQ posts begging for changes "or else I am quitting this server" is unbelievable.

Hand of God

Believe it or not.. Even with the shitty type of people UO typically has in it's population.. this is how it always was back in the day on OSI.. I remember there being player driven respect and rules.. Like yew roof duel spot back in the day.. People respected the fact that it was a dueling zone.. There was no need for the GM's to make that area a "safe zone". It was player enforced. Or how no one used to use pots in 1v1 pvp.. If you did, you became blacklisted as a "chugger" and no one would ever give you any respect or a fair 1v1 fight.

I really wish that players of the population would take it upon themselves, more often, to change things within the game.. rather than always crying for changes here on the forums.. Suggestions that help add content and remove broken systems in the game are one thing, but the constant barrage of QQ posts begging for changes "or else I am quitting this server" is unbelievable.

Not sure if this directed towards me or not? I never QQ'd about shit. I made a very simple and somewhat educated observation and a recommendation. I have always said I hated the duel pits in general, but I am not asking for the entire pit to be removed. I am simply saying that the trading rules in it are a little BS.