I'd be a lot more inclined to participate in a multi-day event, or even a week long event. Spread out so you don't have, for lack of a better phrase, 500 monkeys trying to fuck the same Vaseline covered football.
However I applaud the effort put into the quest event.. which I've said in another thread as well
LOL! Read your post while sipping my coffee at work and almost spat it out!!! "500 monkeys trying to fuck the same vaselined football" lol!! Well said!! Totally agreed.
Oh, one more thing, make the mobs hard, yes, but make pets do 50% less dmg or something. I don't have a tamer and im not try to cry over it, but i do see and hear many others giving up because they cant outdamage a tamet fast enough, which I concur. Tamers = win in events...