Tamer, still the end-game template?


@StegcO I totally agree with you.

Tamer = QS 7, Talons 8, Nox 1, Molten 3, Stone 3, Egg 2, Legendary Taming and Lore 12, Taming Scrolls 2, Petball 500k. It's almost 40M.
I never made a talisman but as i heard, you can level up much easier then tamer.

MetaMage= 10-15M. Less time to level up.

The real math shows that there is 25-30M difference between those but time means gold in UO. So I see the difference like 30-35M. And i even didn't talk about steed. If you go for that too, put +20M.

Is it worth it? Tamer that better than meta mage to pay 30-35M or 50M?

No, no, no.

And you need to add Skill Scrolls to re-full the Skills of the pet (the most expansive excpet taming: magery tact resspell posioning) and, If you need it, the PetBall Charge.

If you die as MetaMage you lost 100 each reag and a barbed leather?

And you need to add to all this the incredible discomfort using a Pet that walk/run half of the speed of your char.. even if he is the final form lvl7 MetaPet