Tamable pets

So I am 91 taming now and have scrolls saved up once I get to 100 to go even further instantly. Soon I will finish and need to get some pets to make a hunting team. I am trying to figure out what is considered a good pet(s) to use.

Lets only focus on the 2 slot pets for now and leave Dragon, Chromatic Dragon, Death Beetle, and others like them out of it.

My 2 slot question comes down to this. I see a lot of people using night bears. According the the FAQ they have max stats of:
525 STR, 525 hit points, 105 DEX, 125 INT

This is the exact same as the other night pets (Nightmare, Nightdragon, Nightfrenzy, Nightridge, Nightwolf)

However the White Wyrm is also 2 slots and has the max stats of:
760 STR, 760 hit points, 130 DEX, 425 INT

So why on earth would anyone ever use them over the White Wyrm?

TL;DR what is a good hunting team and why would you ever use nightanything over a white wyrm.
I would have thought some other special reason. losing 40-50% stats to be able to mount and dismount it seems lackluster when you can recall everywhere.


The problem I have with the white wyrm is that after extended farming periods, over 20 minutes or more, my pets lose mana fast and don't cast as many high damaging spells (EB, FS, EXP, etc.). This leaves the WW just to melee attack. The nightmare can melee and fire breath for a good constant flow of damage.

In addition, to the above, I like to have a ride so I can set up monsters easier and a mare and dragons fire breaths scare and kill a lot of PK's. Its an instant 50+ dmg.


The problem I have with the white wyrm is that after extended farming periods, over 20 minutes or more, my pets lose mana fast and don't cast as many high damaging spells (EB, FS, EXP, etc.). This leaves the WW just to melee attack. The nightmare can melee and fire breath for a good constant flow of damage.

In addition, to the above, I like to have a ride so I can set up monsters easier and a mare and dragons fire breaths scare and kill a lot of PK's. Its an instant 50+ dmg.
I know this is a really old post, but i really like what Strife said. It is so true because whenever i use my WW instead of my nightbear my pets can barely kill a PK but when i got a dragon/nightbear i get PK's 10% health or lower in just a few seconds. Also i recommend carrying potions with you when you hunt. It saved my ass the other day when i had two alchy macers on me at fire titans... whew crazy fight ;) was 15 minutes long to save my taming scroll from those PK's...thank god for firebreath and potions ;)