Tailoring 110/120 - how much difference


The difference is with Leather and Bone. At 120 Tailoring, you can pretty much make any leather (non studded) at 100% rate. Studded brings it down a bit but for the most part it is near 85-90% range. Bone is horrible to make with anything less than 120 (actually it is horrible to make with 120).

So for tailoring and if you plan on making leather/bone items, then it is worth it. Getting to 120 saves me a ton of cash by not wasting resources.


I'm at 104,5 (on my way to 105 so I can use 110 PS + SS) and I'm making exceptional bone armour for a LBOD. I really understand what your talking about when it comes to bone ;-)

Thanks for your answers guys!


So I set up a spreadsheet to calculated "weighted" success rates for crafting armor sets to help me figure out a reasonable price to sell it out. I assumed I am crafting at the Crafter's Guild (so I get 20% reduced mats), and that I recycle all failed attempts (all non-exceptional).

At 120, Leather armor is at 100% success rate. Studded is at 69.3% success rate (full 6 piece set). If you substitute a bone helm for the studded cap, success drops to 68.8% (mostly because you can't recycle bone failures). I didn't run it for bone, since I don't think a market exists for full bone sets.

If you assume each 0.1 skill gain results in a 0.2% increase in success rate, you can assume success rate for a studded set is around 50% at 110. That is a significant cost if you trying to keep a vendor stocked.

120 tailor scrolls are relatively cheap, or fairly easy to pick up as a BOD reward. 115 tailor scrolls vary wildly in price. I got mine for less than 300K, but have seen them go for over twice what I paid. Just be patient, keep an eye on the forums, and you can get one at a decent price.


Great information! Will definetily go for 120 then. Didn't know about the pros of crafting at the Crafter Guild, great.

Reason that I'm working on bones right now is that I'm trying to finish a LBOD with bone set armour (5 x 15 expc). Takes a long time at my current skill level (104,5) so I hope it's worth it. Do you know the reward for it?

What would be a effecient way to raise the skill at this level? Even though it's tough creating bone armour I barely increase...



Great information! Will definetily go for 120 then. Didn't know about the pros of crafting at the Crafter Guild, great.

Reason that I'm working on bones right now is that I'm trying to finish a LBOD with bone set armour (5 x 15 expc). Takes a long time at my current skill level (104,5) so I hope it's worth it. Do you know the reward for it?

What would be a effecient way to raise the skill at this level? Even though it's tough creating bone armour I barely increase...

15x Bone LBOD gives a 110 tailoring PS as a reward.