T2A Poll

Would you like UOF to bring T2A to the shard?

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  • Poll closed .


I say no. I wouldn't be upset if they did add them. Heck even on the official website is says this:

  • T2A Lands are closed, for now.

I never liked the land of T2A but it might be time for them to open it up with a lot of established members getting bored.


I'd like to see more spawns just added to the current lands. Maybe have similar to paragons. Have mini bosses spawn that have a chance to drop things like powerscrolls or higher loot tables.


I'd like to see more spawns just added to the current lands. Maybe have similar to paragons. Have mini bosses spawn that have a chance to drop things like powerscrolls or higher loot tables.

There are a ton of mini bosses (arch deamon, Fafnir, Hyloth boss) , champs, assylum, khaldun, booty island dungeons being worked on.


I voted no. I don't want to see tongues 2 asses. Unless it's two ladies. I mean no I don't want to see any of that... ever... ladies... you can... okay don't... or do it if you want...

Anyway, no T2A.



I disagree about dispersion of playerbase, and here's why; fire is already open, terathian is already open. So, the only thing you'd gain is city of the dead (cotd), which let's face it, nobody farms anyway. So, unless UOF changes the spawn to make cotd a useable farmland, it'll continue to be a place to farm for a few lone warriors.

Furthermore, Delucia could be a place where tamers can level up their skills, miners can mine a bit, and another place to buy regs. Personally, I've never seen any use for Papua, but it could be another place to buy regs I guess...

Lastly, since I'd started here only five days ago. Some of what I'd discussed with other new players like myself, most of whom are from UOG like myself, are; we love the healthy population here, we love the healthy economy here, we enjoy the friendly users here, but we miss Delucia. Del could that alluring addition that brings players here from other dwindling shards, much like my old shard.


I voted maybe.

Booty island needs its dungeon(s) opened and spawn beefed so its not such a wasteland. We don't need another empty landmass laying about


I voted maybe.

Booty island needs its dungeon(s) opened and spawn beefed so its not such a wasteland. We don't need another empty landmass laying about

Kind of tragic how Booty has ended up, still, other franchises do the same, hype the hell out of something only to release sub-standard products *this is not directed towards the designers etc*

As for T2A, I am all for it, Delucia has and will always be my home.


How is t2a not about pvp?
Some of the best fights I've ever had were raiding and defending t2a champs.

The terrain makes champs and pvp alike, more challenging.

and...Del pass is a tamer's paradise...if you're stuck on bulls lol


Staff member
There is just so much waste in t2a... I'd rather open another smaller area as we grow.

The reason it is closed however is like people mentioned, it just spreads out the users way too much. Hell, even when zombie event is running and we have 100 people who are normally active running around in zombie land, it makes UOF seem a little dry.

Everytime we start up zombieland i have at least one person page in and ask where did everyone go, and if UOF is dying. We are working on getting more players for you guys, and as that builds and gains, then yes we can open more lands!


There is just so much waste in t2a... I'd rather open another smaller area as we grow.

The reason it is closed however is like people mentioned, it just spreads out the users way too much. Hell, even when zombie event is running and we have 100 people who are normally active running around in zombie land, it makes UOF seem a little dry.

Everytime we start up zombieland i have at least one person page in and ask where did everyone go, and if UOF is dying. We are working on getting more players for you guys, and as that builds and gains, then yes we can open more lands!

UOF is growing, absorbing most of UOG in fact. This game is what's dying, and it's unfortunate. However, it's still a great game, and they're still a lot of people who play it.

The same guy who rolled this game, promised the world SOTA and it's all but nearly flopped. So, most of us went back to our perspective shards. However, UOF in my opinion, is the ONLY active shard left.


I voted yes.

I don't think having blues spread out is a bad thing. It makes reds hunt for their prey as opposed to just "Fishing the frequented ponds" so to speak. And having T2A no recall is fine by me. Makes it more interesting for treasure hunters and PKs alike, Blue can't instant recall out and reds have to spend more time hunting for their prey.

When I used to play OSI shards in the old days, sure I'd see pks now and then. Some spots more often than others. And on other free shards I've played on I'd see some here and there. However on this shard it seems like every 10 minutes I'm having to recall out. And in spots I'd never expect to see anyone. I think part of that is because of the purposeful concentration of folks. It nearly guarantees reds will find blues without the effort it used to take (Looking in less traveled areas) or the coordination it used to take (Tackling dungeons full of blues ready to defend themselves in groups) on the real shards.

On this shard it's a complete flip on what I'm used to seeing. Instead of groups vs groups (Popular spots) or 1v1 (Less popular spots) it is almost always groups of reds vs a single blue that's hunting ratmen or some other low level spawn. That's not real UO folks. Sure this type of thing has always happened. But it is at epidemic levels on this shard. Hell the UO I remember there was no penalty for dying as a Red and there still wasn't this much ganking going down.

Don't get me wrong, I love the element/role of PK from both sides and never enjoyed when they did the Fel./Tram. split. And I'm not going to leave the server just because of a few issues I've noticed. But I will comment on issues as I see them and I believe having more viable/isolated hunting spots helps with making PK encounters more meaningful and less frequent (But still frequent enough to be fun for both).

I feel like a lot of people here favor PKing to the point of bias. To the point where they only want things that make it easier for them to find targets, easy or not, and don't care that this type of "Over-Fishing" of blues will ultimately lead to a decline in population.

Think about it this way. The same way the rich want to continue getting richer with a limited money supply, the pks want more targets to pk. Eventually that drive leads to an imbalance in the ecosystem and the system collapses. So money becomes worthless paper and PKs have no one left to PK but themselves.

I'm sure there are plenty of people that will disagree and yet plenty others that won't completely understand or read all I've written. That's fine.