Switching eqip macro


Hi everyone,

I wondered if there was an efficient way to macro an equip switch. I'd like to go from 1h+shield to 2h and back with only one button. Is that possible?


razor or steam? Eitherway the arm/dress agent should cover it. i have 3 hotkeys one for disarm one for arm 2hander and last one for 1hander(shield) and just toggle between them.

Note if you use steam you dont even really need a disarm as you can make potion macros to disarm/drink/rearm.


both has its merits. steam has more powerful macros but toggle weapons is possible via both. in razor

-go into arm/dress tab make a profile for your 1 hander/shield and add the items to the list.
-right click where it says " Weapon type" "shield type"and set it to itemtype u can skip this but will need to reset the wep each time u log in/lose the weapon)
-repeat for 2 hander profile
-goto hotkeys and set keys for both + arm disarm ( i use ` alt ` and ctr`)

Bam your done
gl have fun


Thanks a lot. I'll try it later. You see, I've made a uoforever parry dex with sword. I'd like to be able to switch between 1 handed plus shield while I'm PVM, and 1 handed halberd (that halves enemy's magica) when I'm attacked by a PK mage.