Summoning ball cannot be recharged


I just noticed that I can no longer recharge my summoning ball. Has this mechanic been in place since they were implemented? If so, how many times can you charge a ball? This is very dangerous as someone that doesn't realize that they are nearing the end of the balls life could potentially lose a meta pet-

Young Star

I agree. If you are someone that leave their ball with 0 charges and ends up losing their pet and cannot recharge or relink their pet to a new ball they could lose it.

Maybe Staff will confirm whether or not they can "clone" a used up ball to a new one if someone were to ever get into that situation.


Could someone from staff weigh in on this? Is this by design? I have heard rumors of people getting summoning balls fixed after this had occurred. Because this is a dono item and necessary for any of the 20+ mill meta pets, it would be nice to know exactly how this is supposed to work.


If that is the case, it would be nice to know when you are getting close to running out of the ability to charge the ball. Having a pet on someones boat or someones house when you cant recharge you ball would place the player in the town of Fuckedville Population: You